Overview of Department:
- Department of Pediatrics caters the needs of primary, secondary and tertiary care to the people of Khammam and surrounding districts.
- Department provides better care to patients in out patients and In patients department
- Daily along with 24 hours causality and critical care services in ICU.
- Ours is a tertiary center for all undiagnosed and complicated cases in and around Khammam
Departmental Faculty:
S. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. Mohammed Ashraf Mohiddin Siddiq | Professor & HOD |
2 | Dr. Gadipalli Somaiah | Professor |
3 | Dr. Moparti Suresh Babu | Professor |
4 | Dr. Goguloth Arpitha | Professor |
5 | Dr. Sanjivani Deepak Maslekar | Associate Professor |
6 | Dr. Bhaskar Reddy Dodda | Associate Professor |
7 | Dr. Vellanki Brahma Kumar | Assistant Professor |
8 | Dr. Alla Bharath Kumar | Assistant Professor |
9 | Dr. Guntupalli Vamsi Krishna | Assistant Professor |
10 | Dr. Yalamudi Goutham | Assistant Professor |
11 | Dr. Banoth Nishanth Naik | Assistant Professor |
12 | Dr. Sayyed John Pasha | Assistant Professor |
13 | Dr. Yeruva Aparna Lakshmi | Assistant Professor |
14 | Dr. Nettem Sindhura | Assistant Professor |
15 | Dr. Azmeera Raj Kumar | Assistant Professor |
16 | Dr. Bandla Sindhu | Senior Resident |
17 | Dr. Balineni Ramya | Senior Resident |
18 | Dr. Kandagadla Lakshmi Pravallika | Senior Resident |
19 | Dr. Uggina Tej Gita Meghana | Senior Resident |
- MD Pediatrics
Clinical Services:
- Free OPD care with free registration & free consultation in OPD.
- We provide all kinds of vaccinations as per immunization schedule of IAP
- Multi disciplinary assessments by cross references as and when required.
- Emergency care.
- Medical PICU with beds and NICU beds, both ICU have central oxygen, Ventilators, Bubble CPAP, HFNCs and Cardiac monitors.
- Advanced phototherapy with LED lights , Exchange transfusions (Both total and partial)
- Protocols displayed for all common emergencies in both PICU & NICU
- We admit and treat all kinds of poisons cases.
Community health services:
- School health camps.
- Regular Rural health camps
- Detection and Medical advice of MALNUTRITION among children in both urban & rural areas.
- We conduct awareness about oral hydration , Breasting feeding promotions among both urban and Rural parents
- Our Institution has good academicians’ who are strive to impact the best educations possible For students. The team works of the staff gives the best possible outputs academic wise.
- Ours is leavel-3 tertiary care center with all equipment and manual resources providing the Best treatment and care compared to other hospitals with cost effectiveness.
- E-learning classes to all under graduates and post graduates.
- Encourage students to actively participate in both state and national level activities academically and non-academically in all kind of activates.
- Equipped with skilled lab where both post graduates and under graduates are given hands on training skills.
- Intensive Teaching schedule on all working days for Post graduates.
- Clinical postings done regularly with ward leaving examinations to under graduates.
- We update ourselves regular approaches and treatment methods by from of journal club.
- Departmental library is provided with various journals and recent books- 176.
- Sanjivani Deepak Maslekar, Maddiboina Hemanth Kumar and G. Somaiah. Validation of foot Length in Prediction of Gestational Maturity and Birth Weight in Neonates. International Journal of Tropical Medicine. 2024;19(4): 55‐
- Brahma Kumar , Punuru Sindhu2 , G. Ravi Chandra, Bhaskar Reddy D. Early-Onset Neonatal Sepsis: Trends Risk Factors, and Cutaneous Manifestations in an Urban Hospital Setting Europen Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine. 2024;14(5):672-679.
- Sanjivani Deepak Maslekar, Shaik Sana Thabassum and G. Somaiah. Study of Psychological and Behavioral Outcomes in Children Admitted in PICU. Research Journal of Medical Sciences. 2024;18(10):475‐481.
- Prathyusha yellamelli, Pavan Todeti, Alla Bharath kumar, Chippalapally Rambabu. Patterns and Predictors of childhood obesity: Insights from A longitudinal Community- Based Study. International journal of Academic Medicine and Pharmacy. 2024;6(1);276-281.
- M.A.M.Siddiq. Prevalence of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Nasal Carrier State among Pediatric Patients and Para – Medical Staff in Tertiary Care Hospital Research Journal of Medical Sciences. 2023;17(10):106-110.
- Bhaskar Reddy Dodda. Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Infection in Children Under Five Years of Age: Anemia as a Risk Factor: Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science. 2023;11(1):156-160.
- Shivaramakrishna Babji, jay Jayasheel, Barathy Chandrasegaran, Vellanki Bramha Kumar. Evaluation of Modified Extended Sick Neonate Score to Predict In‑Hospital Mortality among Newborns Admitted to Resource‑Poor Settings in Rural. India.Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Received 19 August 2021 / Accepted: 28 January 2022.
- N.Shivaramakrishna Babji, Chandrasegaran B, Siva P, Devi Kittu. Vaccine Hesitancy in Measles-Rubella Campaign in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Portuguese Journal Pediatric, 2022;53:376-82.
- Shivaramakrishna Babji, C Rakesh. Adherence to Home Treatment Guidelines among Pediatric Home Treated COVID-19 Patients in Puducherry. Indian Paediatric, February 15 2022;59.
- N. Shivaramakrishna Babji , Ch Rajesh. Validation of modified sick neonatal score, a simple clinical score for assessment of severity of illness and outcome in new-borns for resource poor settings. Indian Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 2022 Jan;9(1):53-57.
- Sri Vaishnavi M, Mohammed Ashraf Mohiddin Siddiq, G. Somaiah, N. Shivaramakrishna Babji. Rediscovering child‑to‑child programme_A case study and brief discussion. Journal of Clinical Scientific Research, 2022;11:268-70.
- Cheruku Rajesh, N.ShivaramakkrishnaBabji, Mohammed Ashraf MohiddinSiddiq. Case Report of Early Biotinidase Deficiency, A Type Of Multiple Carboxylase Deficiency. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics. July 2021;8(7):1290.
- Sanjivani Deepak Maslekar, Somaiah G, NagapraveenVeerapu, Bubble CPAP (Continuous Positive airway pressure) therapy as a primary mode of respiratory support in preterm newborns with mild to moderate respiratory distress syndrome. Pediatric Rev Int J Pediatr Res. 2021;8(2):94-99.
- Mekala A, Chandrasegaran B, Babji NS. Kumar VB. Evaluation of CABS score based on vitals in children at admission for prediction of severity of illness and outcome. Int J ContempPediatr 2021;8:782-6.
- Babji, N, Jayasheel. A &Veerapu. N. Thrombocytopenia and thrombocytosis as a predictor of neonatal sepsis: a hospital – based cross- sectional study. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatric. 2021 8(5), 860-866.
- Rajesh C, Babji NS, SiddiqMAM. Case report of early biotinidase deficiency, a type of multiple carboxylase deficiency. Int JContempPediatr 2021;8:1290-1292.
- Chandrasegaran. B, Devikittu, Babji S, Pothapregada S, Chandrasegaran. R. Adherence to Home Treatment Guidelines Among Pediatric Home Treated Covid-19 Patients in Puducherry. Indian Pediatr. 2021.
- Sanjivani Deepak Maslekar, Somaiah G, Nagapraveen Veerapu, Bubble CPAP (Continuous Positive airway pressure) therapy as a primary mode of respiratory support in preterm newborns with mild to moderate respiratory distress syndrome. Pediatric Rev Int J Pediatr Res. 2021;8(2):94-99.
- Mekala A, Chandrasegaran. B, Babji NS. Kumar. VB. Evaluation of CABS score based on vitals in children at admission for prediction of severity of illness and outcome. Int J ContempPediatr 2021;8:782-786.
- Guntupalli. VK, Bhoojata. G, Paturi. VR. Congenital Methemoglobinemia in Neonate,—An Easily Missed Cause of Cyanosis. Journal of Neonatology. 2021;35(2):86-89.
- T. SAHITHYA REDDY- Study of biochemical abnormalities in acute diarrhea in children.
- U. ASHOK KUMAR- Study of comparing the efficiency of intravenous levetiracetam versus intravenous valproate the management of refractory status epilepticus in children.
- N. SUNEETHA -To study the use of nebulised 3% hypertonic saline in the treatment of bronchiolitis.
- VISWA PRASANTH -A study of clinical profile early diagnosis immediate outcome and outcome and short term follow up of congenital heart disease in children.
- NISHANT NAIK. B -To study first day serum bilirubin as a predictor for future hyper bilirbinemia.
- K. SAI RAMYA -A study of etiology of splenomegaly in children by clinical and laboratory methods.
- Chowdary Vidya Sagar -Scorpion sting: A Clinical Study on early diagnosis of pulmonary Edema in children.
- Nettem Sindhura -A Study of the complications in infants of diabetic mothers
- Gul Mohammed Danish -Study of outcome of acute lower Respiratory tract infections in children aged 2 months to 5 years
- Patlolla Nandhitha -The study of Etiology of Convulsions in children Between 1 Month and 5 Years of age
- Lavanya Beeswa -Study of Blood glucose levels in newborns
- Lavudiya Tejaswi -Study of diagnosis of malaria using Rapid diagnosis tests
- V. Narasimha Teja – A Study of growth pattern and serum ferritin levels in transfusion dependent Beta-Thalassemia children.-
- Cheruku Rajesh – A clinical study to evaluate the lipid profile in children with primary nephrotic syndrome.
- Haritha Mirabana – Etiology, Clinical outcome. Laboratory findings of children with Neutropenia in non malignant conditions
- Koppolu Vijayendar Babu – Study of Urinary tract infection in malnourished children age 06 months to 5 years at a tertiary care centre.
- M.S. Srivaishnavi Health profile of girl children aged 1 year to 16 years admitted in Mamata general hospital, khammam .
- Boddam Ganesh Yadav – A Study of clinical and laboratory profile in children with febrile seizures
- Sivesh P.V.S – Correlation of cord bilirubin levels with hyper bilirubinemia in ABO Incompatibility at mamata general hospital, Khammam
- Chunchu Bhavana – Role of Zinc as an adjuvant therapy in acute pneumonia in children of age 2 months to 2 years