Chairperson:  Dr. Sravani M R, Prof & HOD of Pharmacology.

Deputy Coordinator: Dr. A. Naveen, Assoc Prof. of Pharmacology.


S.No. Name Department
1. Dr. Sravani M R Prof & HOD of Pharmacology
2. Dr. A. Naveen Assoc. Prof. of Pharmacology
3. Dr. Lokam Geetha  Assoc. Prof. of OBGY
4. Dr. S. Vijay Kumar Prof. of Pharmacology
5. Dr. U.P. Lakshmi  Kishanrao  Prof. of DVL
6. Dr. Umavani Hiranmayee  Assoc. Prof. of Gen. Medicine
7. Dr. Ashwani Siddardha Asst. Prof. of Ophthalmology
8. Dr. Geethanjali Asst. Prof. of Psychiatry
9. Dr. Karnala Sahithi Asst. Prof. of Resp. Medicine

Frequency of Meeting: Once in 6 Months