Dr. Macharapu Raghuram

M.D. (Psychiatry)


SMC Reg. No. TSMC/50814

Email: raghuram.macharapu@gmail.com

Current Academic Role & Responsibilities

Clinical  psychiatrist


  1. Sana Kausar, Duddela Sara, Raghuram, Sateesh Babu, Pramod Kumar Reddy. Psychiatric Morbidity & Coping Strategies among Wives of Alcohol Dependence Syndrome. June 2024;7(1):07-12.
  2. Md.Adil Faizan, M. Raghuram, Sri Divya Reddy, Geethanjali, R. Steesh Babu. Anxiety Depression , and Quality of Life in the Postnatal Period : A Cross – Sectional Analysis in a Tertiary Care Setting in  Khammam, Telangana and South India. Accepted : 10 -July- 2024, Published : 21-Sep-2024.
  3. K. Prashanth , Sreeja Moolamalla, Amitha Deep Chowdhary, M. Raguram And Pramod.A Cross Sectional Study of sexual dysfunction in alcohol dependence syndrome. International Journal in Psychiatry 2024:4(1):08-11.
  4. Abdul Rahman Baothman, Prashanth Challuri, Gattavali Ramana, Raghuram Macharapu, Pramod Kumar Reddy Mallepalli, A Study of assement of depression, anxiety, and stress among coronavirus disease 2019 patients at tertiary hospital. Telangana. J Psychiatry, 2022;8:14-9.
  5.  Bhavesh kumar jayantial Dhedhi, ramana Gattavalli, Gyan nihal Nadukuru, Raghuram Macharapu, Pramod Kumar Reddy Mallepalli, A Level of empathy and spirituality among undergraduate medical students of a tertiary hospital in Telangana:  A cross-sectional study. A cross-sectional sudy. Telangana J Psychiatry, 2022;8:46-52.