Dr. Kanneganti Jhansi
M.Sc (Med. Physiology) Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Email :- jhansiphysiology@gmail.com
Current Academic Role & Responsibilities
- Assistant Professor
Publications :
- Kancharla Sirisha, Kanneganti Jhansi. Does Crossword Puzzle Rightly Cross the Brain of Medical Students. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2024;16(7):1235-1241.
- Kanneganti Jhansi, Kancharla Sirisha, K Amulya Sanghamithra. Prevention is Better than Cure: A Study of Platelets, CRP Predisposing to Preeclampsia in Healthy Antenatal Women. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2024;16(8):1040-1043.
- Kancharla Sirisha, Kanneganti Jhansi . Does Crossword Puzzle Rightly Cross the Brain of Medical Students? International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2024; 16(7); 1235-1241
- K. Jhansi. Evaluation of maternal cortisol – to –highly sensitive C-reactive protein ratio and glucocorticoid receptor resistance at 11-14 weeks of pregnancy to predict pre-eclampsia. Current Medicine Research and Practice, September – October 2022;12(5):205-210.
- K. Jhansi. Association of D-dimer and Lipid Biomarkers with Preeclampsia and Their Role in Prediction from a Rural Tertiary Care Setting. Journal of Scientific Society, May – August 2022;49(2):121-124.
- Annepaka Eliya Raju, Jhansi.k, Amrutha.K, Rasool Sayaad, M.Shekar. A study on Pulmonary function tests in coal mine workers in Khammam District, Andhra Pradesh, India. International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research. 2014;2(3):502-06.
- K. Amrutha, J.M.Desai, Mr. Eliya Raju, K. Jhansi. Effect of grade-III exercise on Total Leucocyte and Differential Leucocyte. International Journal Physiother Res. 2014;2(4):637-41.
- Mahalakshmamma. V , Eliya Raju. A, K. Jhansi. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Values in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Vs Normal Healthy Peoples in Khammam region of Telangana, India. International Journal of Integrative Medical Sciences, Int J Intg Med Sci. 2016;3(1):207-10.
- Rathod ShivanandShriram , Nagose Vaishali Baburao , Purna Singh A , Annepaka Eliya Raju, K.jhansi . Effect of physical training on lipid profile in healthy ,Young males : a follow up study. International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research, Int J Physiother Res. 2015;3(3):1081-85.
- K jansi, J. M. Harsoda. Evaluation of maternal cortisol‑to‑highly sensitive C‑reactive protein ratio and Glucocorticoid receptor resistance at 11–14 weeks of pregnancy to predict pre‑eclampsia. Current medicine and research practice. Oct 2022;12(5):205-10.
- K Jhansi, J M Harsoda. Association of D‑dimer and Lipid Biomarkers with Preeclampsia and Their Role in Prediction from a Rural Tertiary Care Setting. Journal of the scientific.49(2):121-24.