Respiratory Medicine is medical speciality that deals with Respiratory and Sleep disorders which is constantly evolving day by day.Interventional pulmonology,critical care and sleep medicine has further increased its scope in the present day. Interventional pulmonology is a relatively new field within pulmonary medicine that deals with the use of procedures such as bronchoscopy and thoracoscopy to treat several pulmonary and pleural diseases.
Departmental Faculty:
S. No | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. Segu Venkateswarlu | Professor & HOD |
2 | Dr. Sathambedu Padmanabha Venkataramana Kishore Babu | Professor |
3 | Dr. Koppu Manikanta Dhanamurthy | Professor |
4 | Dr.Shaike Fayaz | Assistant Professor |
5 | Dr. Ravi Prakash Rayudu | Assistant Professor |
6 | Dr. Basa Dhanusha | Assistant Professor |
7 | Dr. Karnala Sahithi | Assistant Professor |
8 | Dr. Bandarupalli Mani Kumar | Assistant Professor |
9 | Dr. Kota Varsha | Senior Resident |
10 | Dr. Katragadda Yamuna | Senior Resident |
Courses offered:
M.D. [Respiratory medicine]
Core competencies:
- Department caters to the tertiary medical care needs of the Khamman and surrounding districts.
- Tuberculosis clinic – DOTS centre with DMC takes care of the NTEP of the entire district and drugs are provided free at the door steps.
- Allergy and Asthma clinic with Allergy skin tests,spirometry and patient education material provided free of cost.
- Smoking cessation clinic through counselling and de addiction protocols.
- H1N1/COVID -19 awareness programmes for doctors and general population.
- Diagnostic bronchoscopy
- Medical thoracoscopy for pleural disorders.
- Polysomnography [sleep study] with titrations studies for patients with OSA and other sleep related disorders
Equipment and Facilities:
- Free OPD and Inpatient facilities.
- Well-equipped RICU with Invasive and Non Invasive ventilators
- Video assisted bronchoscopy
- Polysomnography[Sleep study] with titration study.
- Pulmonary function lab
- Allergy skin testing kit
- USG/CT guided lung biopsy
Out Reach Programmes:
Medical services are made available to the poor and needy people of the community.
- Conducting free asthma and COPD camps with free PFTs and patient awareness programmes
- Conducting awareness programmes on harmful effects of smoking &Smoking Cessation Clinics
- Counselling and creating awareness among school children about TB, HIV, Smoking, Asthma, COVID -19 etc.
Learning resources
- Desktop with internet connection
- Laptop
- OHP & LCD Projectors
Departmental Library
- Departmental library has 100 books
- 3 International Journals subscribed besides Indian journals.
- Question bank / previous years questions/Objective type of questions
Research &Publications:
- Varsha Kota ,Mani kumar, Niaz Farhat. BODE index in COPD patients and its correlation with GOLDseverity staging in predicting severity in stable COPD patients. International Journal Dental and Medical Sciences Research Volume, Jan-Feb 2023;5(1):716-721.
- Priyanka, Niharika, NiazFarhat. Study Of Spirometric Evaluation In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients, IJOAR, March-2023;(12)03.
- K.M.Dhanamurthy, Niaz Farhat, Fayaz Shaik, Karnala Sahithi. Multifactorial Evaluation of Pulmonary Hypertension in Patients with Chronic kidney Disease:An Institutional Study, Res.J.Med.Sci, Dec-2023;17:336-340.
- K.M.Dhanamurthy, Niaz Farhat, Karnala Sahithi, Fayaz Shaik. Assessment of Clinical and Biochemical Associations Obstructive Sleep Apnea: An Institutional Experience, Res.J.Med.Sci,Dec-2023;17:341-345.
- Krishna Chaitanya K, Karuna Reddy A,SravanthiP,Nithin josephB, Sathya Prasad A. Study of role of CBNAAT in Bronchial Washings of Patients with Presumptive Pulmonary Tuberculosis with negative Sputum Smear. EC Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine. 2021; 10(9):01-07.
- Kolli Krishna Chaitanya, A. Sathya Prasad,Study of diagnostic accuracy of CBNAAT in bronchial washings of sputum smear negative patients with presumptive pulmonary tuberculosis.Lung India. November 2019;36. Supplement 3 .
Ongoing Projects:
- A role of CAT score in stable COPD patients- Dr Sravanthi.
- Study of hematological profile in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis- Dr Nithin.
- Study of Diagnostic accuracy of Cartridge Based Nucleic Acid Amplification Test[CBNAAT] and line probe assay[LPA] and their role in detecting the drug resistance- Dr Sravani.
- A study of role of serum uric acid in assessing severity of COPD- Dr Sahithi.
- Study of cardiac changes in COPD patients by ECG and 2D ECHO-Dr Karuna.
- BODE INDEX as a predictor of severity in stable COPD patients and its correlation with GOLD Severity staging- Dr Mukesh.
- Study the correlation between dyspnea, radiological findings and spirometry in patients with sequelae of pulmonary tuberculosis- Dr Prem.
Orientation /Invited Guest lectures:
Dr A Satya Prasad HOD & Prof – 1stTelangana State Tuberculosis And Chest Diseases Conference, Hyderabad- 9th,10th February 2019.
- Dr ChSaiSundeep – Training Course Of Indigenous Pleuroscopy Technique,R.D,Gardi medical college, Ujjain, September 2019.
- Dr ChSaiSundeep – Ultrasound in critical care medicine,ISCCM Hyderabad chapter at Yashoda hospitals, Somajiguda, Hyderabad, November 2019.
- Dr ChSaiSundeep -Thoracoscopy and pleural procedures, Yashoda hospitals, Somajiguda, Hyderabad, November 2019.