Dr. Yeruva Anil Reddy
M.Ch. (Urology)
Associate Professor
SMC Reg. No. 70653
Email: yanilmrk@gmail.com
Current Academic Role & Responsibilities
Assistant Professor of Urology
- Srinivas Banoth, Yeruva Anil Reddy, Sharma Rahul Mataprasad, N Rama Murthy, J. Sasi Kumar, Nishanth Kumar Mydam, Sagar Soitkar, Vamseedhar Reddy. IPSS Score (International Prostate Symptom Score) – A Tool to Evaluate Effectiveness of TURP (Transurethral Resection of Prostate) In BPH Patients, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 2022;09(07):777-782.
- Comparative Study of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in Supine and Prone Positions: An observational study (waiting for Acceptance in Journal Anatomy Radiology Surgery) – Submitted and waiting for Acceptance.
- Tubeless Versus Conventional Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy – A comparative Study – Accepted in International Journal of Urology research; -Publication pending.
On Going, to be Published 0n 25.07.2023
- A True Urological Emergency: Institutional Experience of 20 Cases of Penile Fracture
- An Isolated Proximal Penile Epispadias in an adult male: A rare Presentation