Dr. Preeti Tanmay Bhavthankar

M.D. (Microbiology)

Assistant Professor

SMC Reg. No. TSMC/14769

Email: preeti1988@gmail.com

Current Academic Role & Responsibilities

  • Teaching undergraduate students belonging to MBBS, BDS and Nursing courses
  • Conducting practical classes for MBBS and BDS undergraduate students
  • Guiding undergraduate students (MBBS) in their research projects
  • Involved in Diagnostic and research activities of the department

Areas of Research & Expertise

  • Medical Microbiology including Bacteriology, Immunology, Mycology, Virology, Parasitology and Molecular Biology
  • Hospital Infection control
  • Biomedical waste Management

Awards & Achievements

  • Awarded Third prize in the postgraduate quiz at the Teaching Pathologists and Microbiologists Conference (7th March, 2015) hosted by Seth G.S. Medical College & K.E.M. Hospital, Mumbai.
  • Completed the Internal Auditor & Quality management Systems Certificate course (Foundation for Quality, India) as per ISO 15189- 2012 from 30th March to 2nd April, 2016 at Seth G.S. Medical College & K.E.M. Hospital, Mumbai.
  • Completed the 13th Infectious Disease Certificate Course from 19th September to 24th September, 2016 at P.D. Hinduja Hospital & Medical Research Centre, Mumbai.
  • Completed the Basic course in Biomedical research (SWAYAM-NPTEL) in March-June 2020 session with a consolidated score of 94%.
  • Underwent training for Online Curriculum Implementation Support Programme (CISP-II) on 17th & 18th July 2020 organized by MCI Regional Centre for Medical Education Technology, Gandhi Medical College, Secunderabad at Medical education unit, Mamata Medical College, Khammam.
  • Completed the Certificate Program on Hospital Infection Control from September- October 2020 organized by the Sankara Nethralaya Academy, Chennai.
  • Attended Revised course basic workshop and training in Attitude, Ethics and communication (AETCOM) at Mamata Medical College and Hospital, Khammam from 26th to 28th October 2021.
  • Awarded Second prize in the Quiz competition at the 14th Annual Workshop on Basic and Molecular Diagnostics in Mycology- Virtual workshop (30th March to 2nd April 2022) at Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher education and Research.

Professional Affiliations

  • Member of the Hospital Infection Society-Mumbai forum (2015)
  • Currently registered in the Telangana State Medical Council (TSMC)


International journal:

  1. Preeti U Deshpande, Anuradha Basavaraju, Nagapraveen Veerapu, Ashish Akula. Knowledge, attitudes, and practices toward COVID-19 and its prevention among medical and dental students in an educational institution in Telangana. Indian J Pathol. Apr 2024;67(2):349-354.
  2. Inamdar D P, Deshpande P U, Basavraju A, Veerapu N. Fungal Rhinosinusitis: Study of Risk Factors, Outcome and Utility of Nasal Samples in Its Diagnosis. Iran J Med Microbiol. 2023;17(4):387-95.
  3. Deshpande PU, Mehta PR, Kerkar SC et al. Prevalence of HPV infection in women at a tertiary care hospital in Mumbai. Int J Res Rev. 2016; 3(6):68-75.
  4. Medhe AS, Mandale SS, Deshpande PU, Bhavthankar JD. Bilateral submandibular swelling diagnosed as tuberculous lymphadenitis in an asymptomatic patient: A rare case report. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2018 Oct-Dec;61(4):570-572.