Dr. Pappula Vidya Sagar
M.D. (Dermatology)
Professor & HOD
SMC Reg. No. TSMC/37758
Email: sagarpappula@gmail.com
Current Academic Role & Responsibilities
Teaching theory classes for post graduate students and guiding them in desertation of (thesis) teaching taking clases for under graduate.
Areas of Research & Expertise
Alopecia Areata, various treatment modalities in warts Alcoholism & Skin manifestations
Professional Affiliations
Life member of Indian Association of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy.
Awards & Achievements
Participated in seminars as faculty.
- Venkataravikanth Eddula, Ashok Rao Matety, C. Sravana Deepthi, Sirshendu Chaudhuri, Vidyasagar Pappula, Clinical profile and mycological profile of dermatophytosis: A Cross-sectional study at a tertiary care hospital in southern india. Current medical issues.2024;22(4);217-221.
- Vidyasagar, Vijaybhskar Reddy and Navaneetha Rddy. Efficacy of intralesional MMR vaccine for the management of the coetaneous warts in adults, IJORD. 2021;4(1):77-82.
- P Vidyasagar1, B Praveen Kumar. Toe nail changes in diabetes mellitus. IP Indian journal of clinical & experimental Dermatology. 2021;7(1):40–46.
- P. Vidya Sagar, C. Vijay Bhasker Reddy, Pisati Navaneetha Reddy. Coetaneous manifestations of chronic alcoholism cases attending rural tertiary care centre: deceptive cross-sectional study. IJORD. 2021;7(4):517-521.
- Ch. Vijay Bhasker Reddy, P Vidyasagar. Neonatal Dermatoses in a tertiary care center, IP Indian journal of clinical & experimental Dermatology. 2020;6(2):121–125.
- Alekhya Ananthula and P. VidyasagarA study on validity of Autologous Serum skin test in chronic Idiopathic urticaria, International journal of Dermatology,venereology and Leprosy sciences. 2020;3(2):09-15.