Dr. Panakala Sri Lakshmi

M.Sc.(Med. Biochemistry), Ph.D.

Professor of Biochemistry

Email: sri.biochemistry@gmail.com

Current Academic Role & Responsibilities

  • Conducting theory, practical classes, Self – Directed Learning and Problem Based Learning sessions for the medical and dental programs.
  • Involved in diagnostic and research activities of the department.
  • Guiding undergraduate students in their research projects.
  • Administrative responsibility of the College as Student Welfare Officer (SWO) & member of Anti Ragging Committee.

Areas of Research & Expertise

  • Research on Granite workers.
  • Research on Coronary Artery Disease (CAD).

Awards & Achievements

Faculty Research Award at Mamata Medical College – 2017.

Professional Affiliations

Life member of Association of Clinical Biochemists of India (3276/LM/JOUR) and Member of International federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC) (3276/LM/JOUR/IFCC).


  1. Eliya raju, Annepaka, Muthulakshmi Rangasmy, Srilakshmi , Suresh Babu, Investigation of the Cognitive activity between the leaf extracts of eclipta alba and ziziphus jujuba in diabetic animal models. , Cureus 16(3):e55400.DOI 10.7759.
  2. Suma Preethi, K. Kalyan Kumar, P. Sri Lakshmi, B. Nageshawar Rao.Evaluation of hepatic enzyme levels and haematological profiles in chikunguna patients – An institutional study, Asian Journal of Research in Biochemistry. 2021;9(4):34-40.
  3. Epidemiological risk factors influencing the formation of renal calculi, their chemical composition and association with urinary tract infections. P. Sri Lakshmi, Kalyan Kumar Kakarla, PendruRaghunath, Y.V Ramakrishna Reddy. Scholars International Journal of Biochemistry. 2020;3(12):260-266.
  4. Srilakshmi P, Reddy RKYV, Bharathi PK, Rambabu K. Role of HbA1c and microalbuminuria in diabetic-hypertensive individuals: An index for the diabetic nephropathy. Int J ClinBiochem Res. 2019;6(1):126-128.
  5. Reddy RKYV, Srilakshmi P, Cherian KM, Babu S. Comparison of Serum and Salivary neopterin with Troponin-I and CK-MB Levels in Acute Coronary Syndrome. Indian J Med Biochem. 2019;23(1):217-220.
  6. Srilakshmi, Dr. Y.V.Rama Krishna Reddy, Dr.K.Rambabu, Dr.S.Venkata Rao. Cystatin C, oxidative stress and body fat distrubition in middle aged individuals with coronary artery disease. Int J ClinBiochem Res. 2018;5(4):622-626.
  7. Srilakshmi, Dr.B.Anuradha and Dr. Y.V.Rama Krishna Reddy. Effectiveness of self –directed learning with lecture method in teaching first year Medical students in Medical school ” IntJou Med SciEdu. 2018;05: 153-156.
  8. Dandamudi Swetha, P. Srilakshmi, Yeruva Venkata Rama Krishna Reddy, Kondreddy Rambabu. Oxidative stress in unstable angina and myocardial infarction. Jour of Med Sc& Tech. 2017;6;17- 22.
  9. T.Kalpana, B.Naveen Kumar, Srilakshmi P, Uday Kumar, Sirisha. V. Effect of Gentamicin and protective role of vitamin- A on spermatogenesis of albino rats:  Journal of Science. 2017;7: 61-67.
  10. Srilakshmi, K. Kalyan Kumar, K. Rambabu. Study of serum lipid profile in newly diagnosed cases of primary hypertension in granite workers. Journal of Science.2016:6:1-3.
  11. Oxidative stress in acute coronary syndrome P. Srilakshmi, D.Swetha, K. Rambabu. JEMDS.2015:4:15201-15208.9.