Dr. Puvvada Amrutha
M.Sc (Med. Physiology) Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Email: amruthapuvvada72@gmail.com
Current Academic role & Responsibilities
Conducting theory, practical classes,self-directed learning and problem based learning sessions for the medical and dental programs.
Areas of Research &Expertise
- Hematology
- Nerve Muscle physiology
- Autonomic Function Tests
- Cardiovascular system
- Respiratory system
- Renal system.
Awards & Achievements
- Trained in Basic course Workshop in Medical Education Technology, MCI Regional Centre, Gandhi Medical College, Secunderabad, Telangana, from 25-4-2012 to 27-4-2012.
- Trained in Basic level- I Workshop on Medical Education and Technology as a Part of Teacher’s Training Programme under Auspices of Dr NTR University of Health sciences
- Speaker for integrated teaching on Erythropoiesis and classification of Anemia. Dept of Pediatrics on 3.11.2012.
- Trained in 63rd National Course on Educational Science for Health, Dept of Medical Education, JIPMER, Pondicherry, from 5-9-2011 to 15-9-2011.
- Had facilitated the ‘Basic Teacher Training Program’ conducted by Medical educational technology unit, Mamata Medical College, Khammam under the auspices of medical council of India, New Delhi-2014 .
Professional Affiliations
- Life member of Association of Telangana Physiologists.
- Life member of Medical Educational Unit.
- Amrutha, J.Harsoda, Sympathetic Overactivity and Parasympathetic Impairment in Type 2 Diabetes: An Analysis of Cardiovascular Autonomic Functions. Cureus 16(5): 59561.
- Amrutha, J.Harsoda, Metabolic Dysregulation and Its Multifaceted Impact on Cardiovascular Autonomic Control in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Insights From Comprehensive Assessment. Cureus 16(5): 59776.
- Ankur, K.Amrutha,Sashikantverma,Rampure MDilip. Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in Diabetis Mellitus, European Journal of cardiovascular medicine. 2023;13(3):216-2170.
- Ankur, K.Amrutha, Sashikantverma, Rampure MDilip. Pattern of respiratory diseases in Diabetes Mellitus, European Journal of cardiovascular medicine. 2023;13(3) 1775-1780.
- P Amrutha.The effects of exercise on blood pressure regulation in patients with hypertension: An instructional study.Journal of Cardiovascular disease research. 2023;14(8):2241-2245.
- P Amrutha. Analysis of haemoglobinto red cell count ratio in individuals with sickle cell anemia and healthy controls. 2023;14(8):2237-2240.
- Amrutha. A study to evaluate the association of HBA1C and Cardiovascular functions among the diabetic and non- diabetic population of a rural setting. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2022;9(4):3628-3633.
- Amrutha. Association of autonomic imbalance with cardiovascular risk in diabetic patients of a tertiary care setting: An observational study. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2022;9(4):3624-3627.
- M.Vijaya Nirmala, K.Amrutha, Changes in Monocyte Count During Pre- Operative and Post- Operative Days. Bulletin. of Pharmaceutical and Medical sciences. 2015;3(1):3031-3033.
- A. Eliya Raju, Mrs. K. Amrutha, K. Jhansi, Rasool Sayaad , Munisekhar, A Study on Pulmonary Function Tests in Coal Mine Workers of Khammam Dist . International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research. 2014;2(3):502-06.
- J.M.Desai, Dr.Ankur, Mrs.K.Amrutha,“Frequency of ABO Blood Groups and Secretor/Non – Secretors in Pulmonary Tuberculosis’ International Journal of basic& Applied Physiology. 2014;3(1):37-39.
- Amrutha, Dr.J.M.Desai, A.Eliyaraju, “Effect of Grade-III Exercise on TLC and DLC”, International Journal Of Physiotherapy And Research. 2014;2(4):637-41.