Dr. Guntheti Bharath Kumar
M.D. (Forensic Medicine)
Professor & HOD
SMC Reg. No. TSMC/ 42434
Email: bk62743@gmail.com
Current Academic Role & Responsibilities
An expert in Forensic Medicine. Identify and define medico-legal problems as they emerge in the community and work to resolve such problems by planning, implementing, evaluating and modulating Medico- legal services. Undertake medico-legal responsibilities and discharge medico-legal duties in required settings. Keep abreast with all recent developments and emerging trends in Forensic Medicine, Medical Ethics and the law. Deal with general principles and practical problems related to forensic, clinical, emergency, environmental, medico-legal and occupational aspects of toxicology. Deal with medico-legal aspects of Psychiatry, mental health and drug addiction. Impart education in Forensic Medicine and Toxicology to under-graduate and post- graduate students with the help of modern teaching aids. Assess the students’ knowledge and skills in the subject of Forensic Medicine Oriented to research methodology and conduct of research in the subject Administrative responsibility of the college Registrar for NAAC Programme.
Areas of Research & Expertise
- Clinical Forensic Medicine
- Medical Jurisprudence
- Fundamentals of Forensic Medicine
- Forensic Pathology
- Forensic Radiology
- Forensic Dentistry
- Forensic Psychiatry
- Toxicology
Awards & Achievements
- ICMR-NIeCer: -Basic Course in Biomedical Research Circle 4 September 2021 -Successfully Completed with a Score 75%.
- ICMR- WHO-NIe Cer102: Ethics Review of Health Research-ICMR-NIe April, 2022with a Score of 77%.
- ICMR-NIe Cer 103: Scientific Writing in Health Research with a Score of 85%-Roll no: NIe Cer 103_2408.
Professional Affiliations
- Life Member of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine [IAFM]-IAFM 685/IAFM/08/AP.
- Life Member of Karnataka Society of Medicolegal Association [KAMALS]-KAMALS 665/06/TS.
- Life Member of Telangana Academy of Forensic Medicine [TAFM] -10/TAFM/2014/TS.
- Life Member of Global Academy of Forensic and Investigative Medicine and Sciences [GAFIMS]-Member.
- ship Id is GA91-22077.
- Editor- in- Chief Research Bulletin Mamata Medical College.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. The Study of Analysis and Pattern of Sudden Deaths at a Teaching Hospital, Khammam, Telangana. J Ind Acad Forensic Med, 2023; 45(1):31-35.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. Pattern of Snake Bite Cases Admitted at a Tertiary Care Hospital Khammam, Telangana. J Ind Acad Forensic Med, 2022;44(3):58-62.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. Pattern of Asphyxial Deaths: A Medicolegal Study by J Ind Acad Forensic Med, Jan-Mar 2021;43(1):61-65.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. The Study of Trends and Out Come of Acute Poisoning in a Tertiary Care Hospital Khammam, Telangana. India-Medico Legal Update, 2020;3:32-39.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. Pattern of Homicidal Deaths in Khammam District, Telangana. J Ind Acad Forensic Med, Jan-Mar 2019;41(1):30-35.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. Pattern of Medico-Legal Cases in The Causality of a Teaching Hospital Khammam, Telangana. JKAMLS, July-December 2018;27(2):36-43.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. The Pattern of Injuries Due to Fatal Road Traffic Accidents in and around Khammam. J Ind Acad Forensic Medi. April-June 2017;39(2):50-58.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. Pattern of Skull Fractures due to Blunt Force in and around Khammam. Medico-Legal Update. Jan-June 2017;17(1):82-87.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. Profile and Analysis of Pattern of Medico-Legal Cases in the Casualty of a Teaching Hospital, Khammam Telangana. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. July – December 2017;11(2):44-49.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. Profile and Pattern of Hanging Cases at a Tertiary Care Hospital, Khammam; Telangana. J Ind Academy of Forensic Med. Jan-March 2016;38(1):71-75.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. A study of Pattern of Injuries in Fall from Height. Journal of Karnataka Medicolegal Society . Jan-June 2016;25(1):26-34.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. A Study of Unnatural Female Deaths reported to a tertiary care hospital in Khammam, Telangana. J Ind Acad Forensic Med. October-December 2016;38(4):79-83.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. Trends of Unnatural deaths in the Male population Around Khammam. Journal of Karnataka Medicolegal Society. July-December 2016;25(2):24-30.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. Role of Forensic Pathologist in Mass Disaster-Indian Scenario. Journal of Research in Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. 2016; Jan-June 2016;2(1):9-17.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. Profile and Analysis of Road Traffic Accidents in Khammam. International Journal of Forensic Sciences (Int J of Forensic Sci), 2016,1(2):000111.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. Pattern of Drowning Cases at a Tertiary care Hospital, Khammam J Ind Acad Forensic Med, 2021;15(4):928-935.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. Pattern of Lightning Injuries in Telangana District. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. Jan–June 2015;09(1):107-111.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. Profile and Analysis of Lightning Cases Brought to MGH, Khammam, Telangana State. J Ind Acad Forensic Med. 2015;37(3):40-44.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. Pattern of Suicides in Adolescents and Youth at an MGH, Khammam; Telangana. Medico-Legal Up Date, July–Dec 2015;16(1):15-20.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. Estimation of Serum Cholinesterase Levels in O P Poisoning Cases. J Ind Acad Forensic Med. Oct-Dec 2010;32(4):57-60.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. Pattern of poisoning in Khammam. J Ind Acad ForensicMed. Oct-Dec 2011;33(4):16-20.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. The pattern of injuries due to Electric Current. J Ind Acad Forensic Med. Jan-Mar 2012;34(1):44-48 .
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. Socio-Demographic Profile of Electric Injuries at a Tertiary Care Mamata General Hospital Khammam, Andhra Pradesh. Medico-Legal Update. Jan-June2013;13(1):13-17.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. Diagnosis of Electric Injuries-Histo-pathological Examination. J Ind Acad Forensic Med. April-June 2014;36(2):27-31.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. The Pattern of Suicidal cases admitted at Mamata General Hospital, Khammam; Andhra Pradesh. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Jan–June 2014;8(1):110-115.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. The Forensic Pathologist as Expert Witness-Review Article. J Ind Acad Forensic Med. Jan-Marh2014;36(1):72-75.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. Pattern of Burn Cases Brought to MGH. Journal of Karnataka Medico-Legal Society. Jan–June 2014;23(1):15-21.
- Bharath Kumar Gunteti. Profile and analysis of Main Causative Factors for Self-Poisoning Cases at a Tertiary care Hospital. Journal of Karnataka Medico-Legal Society. Jan –June 2013;22(1):15-20.