Dr Dhanashree Padmanabh Inamdar

M.D. (Microbiology)

Professor & HOD

SMC Reg. No. TSMC/FMR/08624

Email- dhanashreeltmmc@gmail.com

Current Academic Role & Responsibilities

  • Conducting theory, practical classes, Self – Directed Learning, AETCOM and Problem Based Learning sessions for the medical students.
  • Theory and practical classes for dental and BSC-nursing students.
  • Involved in diagnostic and research activities of the department.
  • Guiding undergraduate (MBBS) in their research projects including ICMR.
  •  Handling QA-QC, PT-ILC and EQUAS for virology, serology, bacteriology, and molecular testing.
  • Working as NODAL OFFICER for National action plan (NAP) on (Antimicrobial resistance) AMR.

Areas of Research & Expertise

  • Bacteriology and Immunology,
  • Molecular Biology,
  • Mycology, Virology and Parasitology,
  • Antimicrobial stewardship programme
  • Hospital Infection control

Awards & Achievements

  • Received “Best performer of the day” on day 4 in 5th Advanced National Workshop on Hospital Infection Control from 28th September to 2nd October by HICP unit JIPMER, Puducherry.
  • Received 1st prize in case presentation titled “A case of Phaeohyphomycotic subcutaneous abscess-clinicomycological dilemma” in 14th Annual workshop on Basic and Molecular diagnostics in mycology -virtual workshop at SRIHER, Chennai from March 30th to April 2nd.
  • Received 1st prize in Quiz competition in 14th Annual workshop on Basic and Molecular diagnostics in mycology -virtual workshop at SRIHER, Chennai from March 30th to April 2nd.

Hands-on trainings undergone:

  • 5th Advanced National Workshop on Hospital Infection Control from 28th September to 2nd October by HICP unit JIPMER, Puducherry.
  • One day hands-on training on RT-PCR at Gandhi Medical College, Secunderabad AT (Viral research and diagnostic laboratory) VRDL on 24-07-2020.

Professional Affiliations

  • Life member of the Indian Association for Medical Microbiologists (IAMM).
  • Life member of the IAMM-TAPC chapter.


  1. Inamdar, Dhanashree P. Kulkarni, Arun, Basavaraju Anuradha. Genital ulcer disease: Study of factors associated and utility of rapid diagnostic methods in current pandemic- 2024. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. April 2024;13(4):1473-1480.
  2. Padmanabh Inamdar Dhanashree P.Inamdar Prasan kumar Hota, Y.Avinash , Pravalika Fothedar, Anuradha Basavaraju, Bathina Nikhil Reddy,Naru Sabarinatha Reddy “Perception and Role of Indirect and Post discharge Surgical site infection (SSI) in surgical patients : An institutional experience.” Accepted Journal of West African College of Surgeons (pubmed indexed)
  3. Inamdar P, Inamdar DP, Hota PK, Avinash Y, Fothedar P, Basavaraju A, et al.Perception and role of indirect and post-discharge surveillance in predicting surgical site infection in surgical patients: An institutional experience. J West Afr Coll Surg. Sep 2024;0(0):1-8.
  4. Inamdar, Dhanashree P. Kulkarni, Arun, Basavaraju Anuradha. Genital ulcer disease: Study of factors associated and utility of rapid diagnostic methods in current pandemic- 2024. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. April 2024;13(4):1473-1480.
  5. Padmanabh Inamdar Dhanashree P.Inamdar Prasan kumar Hota, Y.Avinash , Pravalika Fothedar, Anuradha Basavaraju, Bathina Nikhil Reddy,Naru Sabarinatha Reddy “Perception and Role of Indirect and Post discharge Surgical site infection (SSI) in surgical patients : An institutional experience.” Accepted Journal of West African College of Surgeons (pubmed indexed).
  6. Inamdar, Dhanashree & Basavaraju, Anuradha & Undi, Malatesh. Epidemiological Profile, Speciation and Antibiogram of Enterococcus Species in the Era of Resistance. Acta Microbiologica Bulgarica, 2021; 37, pp. 149-156.
  7. Inamdar DP, Anuradha B, Inamdar P, Patti PS. Microbiota of Bronchoalveolar Lavage Samples from Patients of Lower Respiratory Tract Infection – A Changing Trend. J Pure Appl Microbiol. 2021;15(3), pp .1508-1516. doi: 10.22207/JPAM.15.3.45.
  8. Inamdar, Dhanashree & B, Anuradha. Phenotypic methods for detection of Amp C b lactamases in Gram negative clinical isolates of a tertiary care hospital. Indian Journal of Microbiology Research,2020; 7, pp 125-129. 10.18231/j.ijmr.2020.024.
  9. Inamdar, Dhanashree & Anuradha, B. Seroprevalence of transfusion transmissible infections among blood donors at tertiary care hospital in southern Telangana-A 3-year cross sectional study. Indian Journal of Microbiology Research, 2018; 5, pp 446. Doi. 10.18231/2394-5478.2018.0092.
  10. Ravindra S Mohite, Dhanashree P Inamdar, V. A. Kulkarni, Pankaj Joshi, R. D. Kulkarni. Demographic trend and clinical features of brucellosis in patients with history of lower back pain – A study in tertiary care hospital. Pathology Update: Tropical Journal of Pathology and Microbiology,2018. 4(1), pp 46-51.
  11. Inamdar, Dhanashree & Taklikar, Shripad & Baveja, Sujata. Universal Precautions in Preventing Central Venous Catheter Associated Blood Stream Infections. A Study at Tertiary Care Hospital of ‘Central Line Bundles’ in MICU. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences,2018; 7, pp. 2484-2491. 10.20546/ijcmas.2018.701.298
  12. Inamdar, Dhanashree & Randive, Mrudul & Baveja, Sujata. Microbiological Profile and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of Isolates from Central Line Catheters in Patients from Medical Intensive Care Unit of Tertiary Care Hospital – A Recent Changing Trend. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences,2016; 5, pp. 858-866. 10.20546/ijcmas.2016.510.094.
  13. Ravindra, Mohite & Nisha, Karanje & Gadgil, Shubhangi & Inamdar, Dhanashree. Association of IgG, IgM Antibodies, NS1 Antigen and Platelet Count in the diagnosis of Dengue Virus Infection in Patients Attending. IJOCM,2016, pp. 2454-7379
  14. Inamdar, Dhanashree & S, Mohite. Significance of brucellosis in backache patients. IJHBR,2014, 2(3), pp. 105-115
  15. Ingty, Moses & Vishrabdha, Rahul & Pawar, & Padmanabh, Dr & Inamdar, Dhanashree. Primary tuberculosis appendix as acute abdominal emergency. IJHBR,2013; 2(1), pp. 21-23.
  16. Inamdar, Dhanashree & Inamdar, Padmanabh & Mehta, Garima. Gigantic primary hydatid cyst of spleen: Case Report IJHBR,2013:1(3), pp.147-149.