Dr. Basavaraju Anuradha
M.D. (Microbiology)
SMC Reg. No. TSMC/34701
Email: radha97479@gmail.com
Current academic role and responsibilities
working as Principal (academic), Professor of the department., Coordinator and medical education unit, .
As Professor, to take care of departmental academic activities, maintaining the academic standards and descipline in the department, preparing teaching schedules, posting staff in service laboratories and monitoring laboratories, assigning duties to technicians and non-teaching staff and monitoring their activities, motivating the faculty to take up research projects and allotting research topics. Motivating the faculty and post graduates to present papers in conferences and publish papers,Guiding the post graduates and under graduate students in research activities. Counselling the slow learners or poor academic achievers to improve their academic performance. Organizing for NABL inspections and monitoring to maintain laboratory standards. Participating in EQAS programs with CMC, Vellore regularly .organizing CME programs in the department.
As coordinator, , medical education unit – organizing NMC training programs for faculty in basic course and revised basic course and AETCOM in medical education technology, curriculum implementation and support programs. Conducting orientation programs for under graduate and post graduate students. Organizing CME programs and conferences. Monitoring the teaching learning activities, taking feedback from students and faculty about teaching learning methodologies and taking corrective actions.
As principal academic– contributing to the academic growth of college. Preparing time tables for all phases, training the faculty in competency-based curriculum and its implementation. Conducting curriculum committee meetings and planning implementation. Conducting meetings regularly with faculty and discussing the academic activities of all departments. Monitoring functioning of curriculum sub committees and conducting meetings. Maintaining discipline among students and monitoring anti ragging measures. Organizing and monitoring mentoring sessions to undergraduate students. Motivating under graduate students to participate in research activities.
Areas of Research & Expertise
- Bacteriology, Virology ,Parasitology, Molecular biology and Medical education.
- Guiding post graduates and published several papers in national and international journals in Microbiology and in Medical education and got citations.
- Presented papers in various conferences.
Awards & Achievements
- Awarded best faculty paper in state conference of Indian association of medical microbiologists.
- Awarded 2 nd best paper in medical education at state conference in medical education.
- Undergone training in NMC basic course and revised basic course and AETCOM in medical education technology.
- Undergone training in NMC curriculum implementation and support program.
- Undergone training in NMC advanced course in medical education at JNMC, Belagavi.
Professional Affiliations
- Member, NMC expert group to revise PG Microbiology curriculum.
- Life member , Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists.
- Past president for Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists, TAPC chapter.
- Life member, Association of medical educationalists.
- EC member for Association of medical educationalists
- Member, NMC expert group to revise PG Microbiology curriculum.
- Life member , Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists.
- Past president for Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists, TAPC chapter.
- Life member, Association of medical educationalists.
- EC member for Association of medical educationalists
- Peer Reviewer for Journal of clinical and diagnostic research.
- Peer Reviewer for International journal of health and allied sciences.
- Recognized Ph D guide for NTR UHS.
- Member, College curriculum committee
- Member secretary, institutional ethics committee.
- Member, dissertation committee.
- Member, anti-ragging committee.
- Convener, college disciplinary committee.
- Member, hospital infection control committee.
- Nodal officer for ICMR RT PCR
- Lab director for NABL accredited RT PCR laboratory.
- Resource person for revised basic course and curriculum implementation and support program at NMC regionalcenter for medical education, Gandhi medical college, Secunderabad and also at Mamata medical college.
- Resource person for zonal CME programs organized by DR NTR UHS
- Inamdar, Dhanashree P. Kulkarni, Arun, Basavaraju Anuradha. Genital ulcer disease: Study of factors associated and utility of rapid diagnostic methods in current pandemic- 2024. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. April 2024;13(4):1473-1480.
- Padmanabh Inamdar Dhanashree P.Inamdar Prasan kumar Hota, Y.Avinash , Pravalika Fothedar, Anuradha Basavaraju, Bathina Nikhil Reddy,Naru Sabarinatha Reddy “Perception and Role of Indirect and Post discharge Surgical site infection (SSI) in surgical patients : An institutional experience.” Accepted Journal of West African College of Surgeons (pubmed indexed)
- Preeti U Deshpande, Anuradha Basavaraju, Nagapraveen Veerapu, Ashish Akula. Knowledge, attitudes, and practices toward COVID-19 and its prevention among medical and dental students in an educational institution in Telangana. Indian J Pathol. Apr 2024;67(2):349-354.
- Inamdar P, Inamdar DP, Hota PK, Avinash Y, Fothedar P, Basavaraju A, et al.Perception and role of indirect and post-discharge surveillance in predicting surgical site infection in surgical patients: An institutional experience. J West Afr Coll Surg. Sep 2024;0(0):1-8.
- Inamdar DP, Anuradha B, Inamdar P, Patti PS, Microbiota of bronchoalveolar lavage samples from patients of lower respiratory tract infections- A changing trend .J pure applMicrobiol. September 2021;15(3):1508-1516.
- Inamdar DP, Anuradha B, Malatesh U, Epidemiological profile, speciation and antibiogram of Enterococcus species in the era of resistance Acta Microbiologica Bulgarica. October 2021:37(3):149-156.
- Inamdar, Dhanashree, Anuradha.B Phenotypic methods for detection of Amp C b lactamases in Gram negative clinical isolates of a tertiary care hospital. Indian Journal of Microbiology Research. 2020;7:125-129. 10.18231/j.ijmr.2020.024
- Vasudha C.L. Anuradha B, Meer MuzafaraliFaizan, A study on prevalence and clinic- mycological profile of superficial fungal infections in a tertiary care hospital, Int.J.Curr.Micribiol.App.Sci. 2019;8(01):2553- 2563.
- Vasdha CL, Anuradha B, Nitya Krishna, A study on mycological profile of corneal ulcers in a tertiary care hospital. Indian Journal of Microbiology study of prevalenceResearch. January – march 2019;6(1):1-5.
- Tejaswi K , Anuradha.B. detection of carbapenamase production by rapid carba NP test among Enterobacteriaceae isolates in tertiary care hospital. Indian J Microbiol Res. 2019;6(3):272-276.
- Anuradha B,Harshini N. Nageswar Rao B , MRSA nasal carriage among paramedical staff in a tertiary care hospital, Khammam, India. EC Microbiology July. 2018;14(7):384 -390.
- Srilakshmi P, Anuradha B, Ramakrishna Reddy Y V, effectiveness of self directed learning with lecture method in teaching first year medical students in a medical school. International journal of medical science and education, April – June 2018;5(2):153-156.
- Dhanasree p, Anuradha B, seroprevalence of transfusion transmitted infections among blood donors at tertiary care hospital in south Telangana. Indian Journal of Microbiology Research. October – December 2018;5(4):446 – 450.
- Vijaya Durga S, Anuradha B, Keerthi V, prevalence of MRSA among clinical isolates and their antibiogram in a tertiary care hospital, J Evolution Med Dent Sci. 2017;6(21):1667-1669.
- Harshini N, Anuradha B, A study on HIV/TB co infection in and around Khammam,Telangana,India, Int. J. Curr.Microbiolol.App.Sci. Nov 2017;6(11):3698-3705.