Dr. Perumalla Sreelatha

M.D. (Microbiology)


SMC Reg. No. TSMC/ 12035

Email: drcsrilatha@rediffmail.com

Current Academic Role & Responsibilities

  • Conducting theory, practical classes, Self – Directed Learning, AETCOM and Problem Based Learning sessions for the medical students. Theory and practical classes for Medical dental and BSC-nursing students.
  • Involved in diagnostic and research activities of the department.
  • Guiding undergraduate (MBBS) in their research projects including ICMR.
  • HandlingQA-QC,PT-ILCandEQUASforvirology,serology,bacteriology,and molecular testing.

Areas of Research & Expertise

  • Bacteriology and Immunology,
  • Molecular Biology
  • Mycology, Virology and Parasitology
  • Antimicrobial stewardship programme
  • Hospital Infection control

Professional Affiliations

  • Life member of the Indian Association for Medical Microbiologists(IAMM)
  • Life member of the IAMM-TAPC chapter


  1. P. Sreelatha, P. Shyam Sunder Rao and B. Nageshwar Rao, 2024. Early Detection of Dengue Fever on Day One Using Clinical Criteria and NS1 Antigen Microelisa: A Comparative Study with Immunochromatography. Res. Nov 2024;18(12):151-155.
  2. P Sreelatha., et al. “Evidence Based Diagnosis of a Case of Tetanus”. EC Microbiology Dec 2024;20(12):01-04.
  3. Sreelatha P, Rao PSS, Rao BN. Syphilis an overview: the resurgence of an old foe – clinical presentation, diagnostic challenges, and treatment outcomes from a tertiary care center. Ro J Infect Dis. 2024;27(4):277-282.
  4. C Sreelatha and P Shyam Sundar Rao. A hospital based  retrospective observational assessment of the emerging cases of mucormycosis in post COVID -19 disease patients. Journal of Advances in Microbiology Research. JRM. 2023;4(2):01-04.
  5. S. Suguna Hemachandar, C. Srilatha, B. Anuradha. Wrapping up the year 2009-2010-A Collection of Rare cases and Uncommon Etiological Agents. National Journal of Basic Medical Sciences. 1(3).
  6. Shyam, Sreelatha, Sanjay, Vijayadurga. A Rare Presentation of Aureobasidium Pullulans as Allergic Fungal Sinusitis. Indian Medical Journal April 2011;105(4)
  7. P. Sreelatha, P. Shyam Sundar, Vamshi, Raja Mukherjee. The Study of Neonatal Septicaemia with Multiple Abscesses by Salmonella Typhi Extremely Rare Presentation. Indian Medical Journal October 2011;105(10).
  8. S. Suguna Hemachander,C. Srilatha, B. Anuradha. An Uncommon Etiology of Black Warty Lesions of Eyelid Developing Overnight. National Journal of Basic Medical Sciences. II(2).
  9. Sreelatha P, ShyamP, Asadharan P. A Rare Case of Primary Tuberculous Cerebellar Abscess-In An Immuno Competent Patient. National Journal of Basic Medical Sciences. II(2).
  10. C Sreelatha and P Shyam Sundar Rao. A hospital based retrospective observational assessment of the emerging case of mucormycosis in post COVID-19 disease patients.