Mr. Annepaka Eliya Raju
M.Sc (Med. Physiology)
Email: annepakaeliyaraju@gmail.com
Current Academic Role & Responsibilities
- Tutor
Areas of Research & Expertise
- Evolution Of Anti Diabetic Anti Oxidant and Anti Anxiety Eefcts Of Eclipta Alba And Zizuphusjujuba
- Eliya raju, Annepaka, Muthulakshmi Rangasmy, Srilakshmi , Suresh Babu, Investigation of the Cognitive activity between the leaf extracts of eclipta alba and ziziphus jujuba in diabetic animal models. , Cureus 16(3):e55400.DOI 10.7759.
- Annepaka Eliya Raju, Dr. R. Muthulakshmi, Dr. P. Sri Lakshmi Investigation of anxiolytic activity of leaf extracts of Eclipta alba and Ziziphus jujube in animal models Eur. Chem. Bull. 2022;11(12):103- 112
- Annepaka Eliya Raju, Dr. R. Muthulakshmi, Dr. P. Sri Lakshmi Investigation of anti-diabetic, anti- oxidant activity of leaf extracts of Eclipta alba and Ziziphus jujube in animal models Eur. Chem. Bull. 2022;11(12):113-124
- Mahalakshmamma.V Eliya Raju. A. etal Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Values in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Vs Normal Healthy Peoples in Khammam region of Telangana, India International Journal of Integrative Medical Sciences, Int J Intg Med Sci. 2016;3(1):207-10.
- R Sayyad , P K Yadav , M Sekhar, Eliyaraju A .etalevalution of pulmonary function tests on non smoking traffic police men at Tirupati , AP , India International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research, Int J Physiother Res. 2013;1(5):279-82.
- Amrutha.K, Desai J.M , Annepaka Eliya Raju , k. jhansi etal Effect of Grade-III Exercis on Total Leucocyte Count and Differential Leucocyte Count . International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research, Int J Physiother Res. 2014, Vol 2(4):637- 41.
- Rathid ShivanandShriram , Nagose Vaishali Baburao , Purna Singh A Annepaka Eliya Raju etal, Effect of physical training on lipid profile in healthy , Young males a follow up study. international Journal of Physiotherapy and Research, Int J Physiother Res. 2015;3(3):1081-85.
- Annepaka eliya raju .etal A study on pulmonary function tests in coal mine workers in khammam district telangana-india. International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research, Int J Physiother Res. 2014;2(3):502-06.