Mr. Annepaka Eliya Raju

M.Sc (Med. Physiology)



Current Academic Role & Responsibilities

  • Tutor

Areas of Research & Expertise

  • Evolution Of Anti Diabetic Anti Oxidant and Anti Anxiety Eefcts  Of  Eclipta Alba And Zizuphusjujuba


  1. Eliya raju, Annepaka, Muthulakshmi Rangasmy, Srilakshmi , Suresh Babu, Investigation of the Cognitive activity between the leaf extracts of eclipta alba and ziziphus jujuba in diabetic animal models. , Cureus 16(3):e55400.DOI 10.7759.
  2. Annepaka Eliya Raju, Dr. R. Muthulakshmi, Dr. P. Sri Lakshmi   Investigation of anxiolytic activity of leaf extracts of Eclipta alba and Ziziphus jujube in animal models Eur. Chem. Bull. 2022;11(12):103- 112
  3. Annepaka Eliya Raju, Dr. R. Muthulakshmi, Dr. P. Sri Lakshmi   Investigation of anti-diabetic, anti- oxidant activity of leaf extracts of Eclipta alba and Ziziphus jujube in animal models Eur. Chem. Bull. 2022;11(12):113-124
  4. Mahalakshmamma.V  Eliya Raju. A. etal Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Values in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Vs Normal Healthy Peoples in Khammam region of Telangana, India   International Journal of Integrative Medical Sciences, Int J Intg Med Sci. 2016;3(1):207-10.
  5. R Sayyad , P K Yadav , M Sekhar, Eliyaraju A .etalevalution  of pulmonary function tests  on  non smoking  traffic police men at Tirupati , AP , India International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research,  Int J Physiother Res. 2013;1(5):279-82.
  6. Amrutha.K, Desai J.M , Annepaka Eliya Raju , k. jhansi  etal Effect of Grade-III  Exercis on Total Leucocyte Count and  Differential Leucocyte Count . International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research, Int J Physiother Res. 2014, Vol 2(4):637- 41.
  7. Rathid ShivanandShriram , Nagose Vaishali Baburao , Purna Singh A Annepaka Eliya Raju etal, Effect of physical training on  lipid  profile in healthy , Young males  a follow up  study. international Journal  of Physiotherapy and Research, Int J Physiother  Res. 2015;3(3):1081-85.
  8. Annepaka eliya raju .etal A study on pulmonary function tests in coal mine workers in khammam district  telangana-india. International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research, Int J Physiother Res. 2014;2(3):502-06.