Dr. Pakanati Siva Subba Rao
M.S. (ENT)
Professor & HOD
SMC Reg. No. TSMC/50471
Email: pakanati.sivasubbarao@gmail.com
Current academic role and responsibilities
- Teaching the under graduate medical students and implementation of competency based medical education programs.
- Development of programs of clinical excellence that can support the academic programs.
- Overseeing education of post graduate students via operating room experience, teaching rounds,lectures and conferences.
- Acting as guide for post graduate dissertations.
- Enhancing opportunities for scholarly research in the department.
Areas of research and expertise
- Hearing and deafness
- Otology and otopathology
- Balance
- Head and neck Neoplasms
- Facial plastic and Reconstructive surgery
- Paediatric otolaryngology
- Sinus and nasal disorders
- Voice and Speech
Professional Affiliations
Life member of AOI-Telangana state
- Appi Reddy, K. Samatha Reddy and P. Siva Subba Rao. A Clinico‐Pathological Study of Secondary Neck Masses in Head and Neck Cancers. Res. J. Med. Sci. 2024;18(7):326-330.
- Ashesh Reddy and P.Siva Subba Rao.Histopathological Study of Middle Ear Cleft Mucosa in CSOM Cases. Res. J. Med. Sci. 2024;18(7):331-335.
- Narendrula Srilekha and P. Siva Subba Rao. Effect of Systemic Tranexamic Acid on Intraoperative Bleeding During Tonsillectomy. J. Med. Sci. 2024;18(7):314-316.
- Bonagiri Sandeep, Tirumala Radha, Siva Subba Rao Pakanti and Md. Adil Faizan, 2024. Assessment of Eustachian Tube Function and Hearing Status in Oral Submucous Fibrosis: A Cross‐Sectional Res. J. Med. Sci. 2024;18(7):299-303.
- Mycology of otomycosis and the role of antifungal drops versus antifungal cream in the treatment of otomycosis: an observational study. International Journal Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. 2021Aug;7(8):1343-1346.
- Myringoplasty in wet and dry ears: an observational study in a tertiary care center.International Journal Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. 2021Aug;7(8):1313-1316.
- Traumatic tympanic membrane perforation: an overview in a tertiary care centre- Khammam.International Journal Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. 2021Aug;7(8):1275-1278.
- Correlation of ultrasonography and fine needle aspiration cytology for diagnosis of malignancy in thyroid lesions: a study of 100 cases.International Journal Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. 2021Aug;7(8):1227-1230.
- Evaluation of Graft Take Up in Myringoplasty- Temporalis Fascia Vs Tragal Perichondrium. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAMS). 2017 Dec; 5(12C): 4993-4995.
- Incidence of tb laryngitis in pulmonary tuberculosis patients in a tertiary Hospital – Khammam-Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research. 2017 June;6(3):98-100.
- Inferior turbinectomy versus submucosal diathermy- our experience.Journal of evolution of medical and dental sciences. 2017 June 8;6(46):7418-7420.
- Myringoplasty in allergic rhinitis patients- observations.Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research.2017 Dec;7(1):120-124.
- Nasal septal cartilage allograft for myringoplasty- our observations.Medpulse international journal of ENT.2018 Feb; 5(2): 41-44.
- Familial ankyloglossia [tongue – tie] – a rare case report.Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2014 Jan 13;3(2):303-305.