Overview of Department:
Department of Ophthalmology provides comprehensive program for patient care. It offers both out- patient services and in-patient services. It strives for achieving excellence in the fields of patient and community eye care, teaching, research and faculty development.
Departmental Faculty:
S.No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. Alla Venkata Pitchi Reddy | Professor & HOD |
2 | Dr. Vijay Prakesh Kinikar | Professor |
3 | Dr. Jupalli Vengala Rao | Associate Professor |
4 | Dr. Madiraju Nandanandan | Assistant Professor |
5 | Dr. Shiliveri Ashwani Siddardha | Assistant Professor |
6 | Dr. Pusunuru Naga Manjusha | Assistant Professor |
6 | Dr. Gadipalli Ravichandra | Assistant Professor |
8 | Dr. Ganeshula Sahithi | Assistant Professor |
9 | Dr. Adapa Jayasree | Senior Resident |
M S Ophthalmology
- To offer an excellent standard in teaching
- To conduct research in basic, applied clinical fields and community ophthalmology
- To provide accessible, cost- effective, quality eye care.
- To conduct awareness programmes on issues such as Diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, eye donation.
The core competencies of Department of Ophthalmology are:
- UG teaching program for MBBS curriculum
- PG teaching program for MS Ophthalmology
- Clinical facilities include services to manage cataract, retinal diseases, glaucoma and uvea services. In addition community services like screening of diabetic retinopathy, cataract in camps, school screening programmes are provided by the department.
- Slit lamps
- Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscope
- 90 D Lens
- Goniolens
- Fundus Camera
- Keratometer
- Operating Microscope with CCTV
- Argon Laser
- Phacoemulsification Machine
- A-Scan
- Nd:YAG Laser
- Applanation Tonometer
- Schiotz Tonometer
- Automated Perimeter
- Autorefractor
- Cataract Surgery
- Phacoemulsification
- Small Incision Cataract Surgery ( SICS)
- Trabeculectomy
- Pterygium Excision with Autograft
Laser Treatment:
Nd: YAG Laser Capsulotomy
- S. Ashwani Siddardha, Vijay Prakash Kinikar, A. Venkata Pitchi Reddy and B. Sushma. Visual Outcomes and Prognostic Factors in Patients with Indirect Traumatic Optic Neuropathy Treated with Steroids: A Prospective Analysis. Research Journal of Medical Sciences. 28 Aug 2024;18(10):401-406.
- Vijay Prakash Kinikar,YashaswiPendyala,K.Vijay Kumar, Clinico-Microbiological Study of Chronic Dacryocystitis. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research. 2021:4(8):258-264.Vijay Prakash Kinikar, S. Ashwani Siddardha, A. Venkata Pitchi Reddy and Sushma. Clinical and Demographic Profile of Indirect Traumatic Optic Neuropathy: A Prospective Observational Study. International Journal of Tropical Medicine. 2024;19(4):50-54.
- Vijay Prakash Kinikar, Yashaswi Pendyala, K.Vijay Kumar, Clinico-Microbiological Study of Chronic Dacryocystitis. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 2021:4(8):258-264.
- Vijay Prakash Kinikar, Yashaswi Pendyala, K.Vijay Kumar, A Comparative study of surgically induced astigmatism in superior and temporal scleral incision in manual small incision cataract surgery. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 2021:4(9):78-83.
- Vijay Prakash Kinikar, Yashaswi Pendyala, K.Vijay Kumar, Clinical profile and visual outcome of optic neuritis in tertiary care hospital. IP International Journal of Ocular Oncology and Oculoplasty, 2021:7(2):1-6.
- Vijay Prakash Kinikar, Yashaswi Pendyala, K.Vijay Kumar, A clinical study on dry eye.IP International Journal of Ocular Oncology and Oculoplasty, 2021:7(2):1-7.
- Harika Anne, Noonan Syndrome with Congenital Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction: A Case Report. IOSR Journal of Dental and medical Sciences. June 2021;20(6Ser.1):27-29.
- Harika Anne, Hair Shaft in the Lacrimal Punctum: A Rare Presentation. TNOA Journal Ophthalmic Science Research. 2020:xx:xx-xx.
- Clinical study of Diabetic Retinopathy
- Study of clinical features and management of Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis
- Clinical study of Posterior Capsular Opacification
- Study of Ocular manifestations in Leprosy
- Clinical study of Papilloedema
- Study of Conjunctival limbal autograft using autologous serum Vs suturing technique in primary pterygium surgery
Study of role of B Scan Ultrasonography in posterior segment pathology of eye