Overview of Department:

  • The department of Psychiatry provides a Comprehensive, Integrated, multidisciplaning service is the management of patients with Psychological & Psychiatric disorders.
  • Empathetic care to the patients and their family members and integrating them into the society
  • Community service
  • An orientation to principals of research methodology.
  • To train Under Graduates & Post Graduates with basic skills in Psychiatry and Scientific foundation in behavioral science
  • Department of Psychiatry caters the needs of primary, secondary and tertiary care to the people of khammam and surrounding districts.

Departmental Faculty:

S. No. Name Designation
1 Dr. Pramod Kumar Reddy Mallepalli Professor & HOD
2 Dr. Ravulapati Sateesh Babu Professor
3 Dr. Macharapu Raghuram Professor
4 Dr. Geethanjali M Doddamani Associate Professor
5 Dr. Kandhi Sri Divya Reddy Assistant Professor
6 Dr. Kolli Srikanth Assistant Professor
7 Dr. Govindappagari Venkata Jithendra
Assistant Professor
8 Dr. Uppalapati Yogendra Sai Subbaraju Senior Resident
9 Dr. Tata Manjula Clinical Psychologist


Special Clinics

  • Child guidance clinic
  • Adolescence guidance
  • De-addiction clinic
  • Geriatric and community psychiatry

Clinical Services:

  • Free OPD care with free registration & free consultation in OPD.
  • Multi disciplinary assessments by cross references as and when required.
  • Emergency care.

Community health services: 

  • School mental health camps.
  • Regular Rural mental health camps


  • Our Institution has good academicians’ who are strive to impact the best educations possible for students. The team works of the staff gives the best possible outputs academic wise.
  • Ours is leavel-3 tertiary care center with all equipment and manual resources providing the best treatment and care compared to other hospitals with cost effectiveness.


  • Consultation cum examination
  • Provision for Special clinics.
  • Psychometric facilities.
  • Anesthesia assisted ECT.
  • C Seminar hall with aids like LCD projector & laptop.
  • Demo models and charts for counseling.
  • Departmental library with a collection of 139 books.
  • IPD: Closed ward facility for aggressive patients and de-addiction centre
  • E-learning classes to all under graduates and post graduates.
  • Encourage students to actively participate in both state and national level activities academically and non-academically in all kind of activates.
  • Equipped with skilled lab where both post graduates and under graduates are given hands on training skills.
  • Intensive Teaching schedule on all working days for Post graduates.
  • Clinical postings done regularly with ward leaving examinations to under graduates.
  • We update ourselves regular approaches and treatment methods by from of journal club.
  • The departmental library is provided with various journals and recent books- 139


  1. K Rheea Cheriyan , Varnika Gurrapu  Ravula Purvy Manhari, S Manjula and R Sateesh Babu. Prevalence of sleep disorders among south Indian medical students. International Journal of Psychiatry Research 2024; 6(1): xx-xx.
  2. D. Adil Faizan. Impact of alcohol dependence syndrome severity on male sexual dysfunction : A CONSORT – guided cross – sectional analysis. Revised: 05-Jun-2024, Accepted : 09-Jun-2024, Published. 
  3. D. Adil Faizan.Assessment of Eustachian Tube Function and H earing Status in Oral Submucous Fibrosisi : A Cross – Sectional Study. Doi : 10. 36478/makrjms. 2024;7:299-303.
  4. Prashanth . A Cross Sectional Study of sexual dysfunction in alcohol dependence syndrome. International Journal in Psychiatry 2024:4(1):08-11.
  5. Prashanth , Sreeja Moolamalla, Amitha Deep Chowdhary, M. Raguram And Pramod.A Cross Sectional Study of sexual dysfunction in alcohol dependence syndrome. International Journal in Psychiatry 2024:4(1):08-11.
  6. Adil Faizan, M. Raghuram, Sri Divya Reddy, Geethanjali, R. Steesh Babu. Anxiety Depression , and Quality of Life in the Postnatal Period : A Cross – Sectional Analysis in a Tertiary Care Setting in Khammam, Telangana and South India. Accepted : 10 -July- 2024, Published : 21-Sep-2024.
  7. Sana Kausar, Duddela Sara, Raghuram, Sateesh Babu, Pramod Kumar Reddy. Psychiatric Morbidity & Coping Strategies among Wives of Alcohol Dependence Syndrome. June 2024;7(1):07-12.
  8. Abdul Rahman Baothman, Prashanth Challuri, Gattavali Ramana, Raghuram Macharapu, Pramod Kumar Reddy Mallepalli. A Study of assement of depression, anxiety, and stress among coronavirus disease 2019 patients at tertiary hospital. Telangana. J Psychiatry, 2022;8:14-9.
  9. Bhavesh kumar jayantial Dhedhi, ramana Gattavalli, Gyan nihal Nadukuru, Raghuram Macharapu, Pramod Kumar Reddy Mallepalli. A Level of empathy and spirituality among undergraduate medical students of a tertiary hospital in Telangana:  A cross-sectional study. A cross-sectional sudy. Telangana J Psychiatry, 2022;8:46-52.
  10. Mohammad Sohel, Kavya sri Konneru,Pramod Kumar Reddy M. Unremitting Schizophrenia: A Study of functioning of a Family and social Support at Tertiary Centres, Telangana/REP Indian journal of Medical Psychiatry. 2022;5(2):59-64.
  11. Sridhar Reddy N, Koneru kavya sri, Pramod Kumar Reddy Mallepally. A Study on effects of Drug addiction on Families in Telangana/REP Indian journal of Medical Psychiatry. 2022;5(2): 103-110.
  12. Bangaru Sudheer, Koneru kavya sri, Pramod Kumar Reddy M. Depression and Anxiety Prevalence, Quality of Life and its Consideration among Psoriasispatients:; A Cross-Sectional Study/ REP Indian journal of Medical Psychiatry. 2022;5(2):67-73.
  13. Md.Adhil Faizan, Koneru kavya sri, Pramod Kumar Reddy Mallepally. A Study on the Problematic Internet use  (PICU) in Telangana Undergraduate Medical Students/ REP Indian journal of Medical Psychiatry. 2022;5(2):41-49.
  14. Vineela, Koneru kavya sri, Pramod Kumar Reddy Mallepally. Choosing Psychiatry as A Speciality-Attitude of Medical Students/ REP Indian journal of Medical Psychiatry. 2022;5(2):75-81.
  15. Keeravani, , Koneru kavya sri, Pramod Kumar Reddy Mallepally. The severity of Domestic Violence and Its links to coping skills and Medication Compliance in Women With Mental ILLnesses in Telangana/ REP Indian journal of Medical Psychiatry. 2022;5(2):97-102.
  16. Sudheer Bangaru, Ramana Gattavalli, Chandrika Nikitha Chowdary and Koratala Anoop. A study on valuation of mental health among the resident doctors, house surgeons, during the corona virus disease- 2019,pandemic at Teritary hospital, khammam, Telangana. . International Journal of research in Psychiatry. 2022; 2(1):11-13.
  17. V Moulika, Ramana Gattavalli and chandrika Nikitha Chowdary. A study to assess education, knowledge and attitude towards homosexuality in Telangana, International Journal of Psychiatry, 2022;2(1):06-10.
  18. Gyan Nihal N, Prashanth Challuri, Mallepalli Pramod Kumar Reddy, Ravulapati Satheesh Babu. Stress and anxiety among medical interns and doctors deputed in COVID duties, a cross  sectional study, Telangana Journal of Psychiatry,  2021;7:122-7.
  19. Lakshmi Shodhana ,Ravulapati Sateesh Babu. Emotional intelligence among medical undergraduates, interns, postgraduates, and medical practitioners : Archives of Mental Health. jan – june 2020; 21(1); 12-5.
  20. Lakshmi Shodhana ,Ravulapati Sateesh Babu. A cross-sectional study of the barriers for seeking mental health care among medical undergraduates : Archives of Mental Health.  jan – june 2020;21(1); 16-20.
  21. Kandula Somabala Charishma, Ravulapati Sateesh Babu. The prevalence and correlates of social phobia among undergraduates medical students: Telangana Journal of Psychiatry.  Jan – jun 2020; 6(1):64-68.
  22. Bhavesh J Dhedhi, Ravulapati Sateesh Babu. Study of sleep quality among residents, interns, staff nuses and medical students: 2020;2(1):05-08.
  23. Vivek Kumar Rachakatla, CH Prashanth. Perceptions of partner drinking problems, regulation strategies, and relationship outcomes: Archives of Mental Health. jan – june 2020; volume 21 (1); 39-42.
  24. Bhavesh J Dhedhi, PrashanthChalluri. Study of sleep quality among residents, interns, staff nurses and medical students: 2020;2(2); 05-08.
  25. GyanNihal N. Depression and anxiety symptoms in cardiac patients:  RFP indian journal of medical psychiatry. jan – june 2020; 3(1)
  26. GyanNihal. Stressors among medical college undergraduates: Archives of mental health. jul-dec 2020;21,(2).
  27. Bhavesh J Dhedhi, GyanNihalN. Study of sleep quality among residents, interns, staff nurses and medical students: 2020; 2,(1): 05-08.
  28. Abdul RahmanBaothman, RamanaGattavalli. A study of attitude towards psychiatry among private medical college undergraduates:  RFP Indian Journal of Medical Psychiatry. Jan-Jun 2020; Vol 3 (1); 9-14.
  29. Vivek Kumar Rachakatla, ManjulaSakamuri. Perceptions of partner drinking problems, regulation strategies, and relationship outcomes. Archives of Mental Health. jan – june 2020;21(1):39-42.
  30. Lakshmi Shodhana, ManjulaSakamuri. Emotional intelligence among medical undergraduates, interns, postgraduates, and medical practitioners. Archives of Mental Health. jan – june 2020; 21(1):12-5.
  31. Lakshmi Shodhana, Manjula Sakamuri. A cross-sectional study of the barriers for seeking mental health care among medical undergraduates: Archives of Mental Health. jan – june 2020;21(1);16-20.
  32. Kandula Somabala Charishma, Manjula Sakamuri. The prevalence and correlates of social phobia among undergraduates medical students :Telangana Journal of Psychiatry. Jan – jun 2020; 6(1):64-68.
  33. Manjula Sakamuri. The role of personality in marital satisfaction among distressed and non distressed married couples: EC Psychology and Psychiatry. 2020;9(10); 64-72.

PROJECTS (2019-2020)

  1. Anxiety, depression, and quality of life in females diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome – Dr. K. S. Charishma.
  2. A study of psychiatric comorbidity in patients with ischemic heart disease – Dr. Abdul rahman Boathman.
  3. Prevalence and correlates of sexual dysfunction in male patients with alcohol dependence syndrome – Dr. R. Vivek kumar.
  4. A study of self stigma and self esteem inpersons with schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder in their remission – Dr. Bhavesh J Dhedhi.


  1. Dr. R. Vivek Kumar, Dr. K. S. Charishma, Attended “16th Annual National Conference of Indian Association of Biological Psychiatry” 6th & 7th Feb 2021.
  2. Dr. R. Vivek Kumar, Dr. K. S. Charishma, Dr. Abdul Rahman, Dr. Bhavesh Dhedhi, Attended Workshop on “ Cyber & Workspace security for Women” conducted by IPS – South Zone Branch on 07-03-2021 – 
  3. Dr. R. Vivek Kumar, Dr. K. S. Charishma, Attended 6th Annual CME Programme of Indian Psychiatric Society, Telangana State branch held on 11th April 2021.
  4. Dr. K. S. Charishma, Attended Monthly Online CME on “CHILD PSYCHIATRY , ADHD on 19th June 2021.
  5. Dr. Bhavesh Dhedhi, Attended 33 ECNP Congress Educational Highlights Virtual Session , India 2021 on 15th May 2021.