Overview of Department:
- The department of Psychiatry provides a Comprehensive, Integrated, multidisciplaning service is the management of patients with Psychological & Psychiatric disorders.
- Empathetic care to the patients and their family members and integrating them into the society
- Community service
- An orientation to principals of research methodology.
- To train Under Graduates & Post Graduates with basic skills in Psychiatry and Scientific foundation in behavioral science
- Department of Psychiatry caters the needs of primary, secondary and tertiary care to the people of khammam and surrounding districts.
Departmental Faculty:
S. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. Pramod Kumar Reddy Mallepalli | Professor & HOD |
2 | Dr. Ravulapati Sateesh Babu | Professor |
3 | Dr. Macharapu Raghuram | Professor |
4 | Dr. Geethanjali M Doddamani | Associate Professor |
5 | Dr. Kandhi Sri Divya Reddy | Assistant Professor |
6 | Dr. Kolli Srikanth | Assistant Professor |
7 | Dr. Govindappagari Venkata Jithendra |
Assistant Professor |
8 | Dr. Uppalapati Yogendra Sai Subbaraju | Senior Resident |
9 | Dr. Tata Manjula | Clinical Psychologist |
Special Clinics
- Child guidance clinic
- Adolescence guidance
- De-addiction clinic
- Geriatric and community psychiatry
Clinical Services:
- Free OPD care with free registration & free consultation in OPD.
- Multi disciplinary assessments by cross references as and when required.
- Emergency care.
Community health services:
- School mental health camps.
- Regular Rural mental health camps
- Our Institution has good academicians’ who are strive to impact the best educations possible for students. The team works of the staff gives the best possible outputs academic wise.
- Ours is leavel-3 tertiary care center with all equipment and manual resources providing the best treatment and care compared to other hospitals with cost effectiveness.
- Consultation cum examination
- Provision for Special clinics.
- Psychometric facilities.
- Anesthesia assisted ECT.
- C Seminar hall with aids like LCD projector & laptop.
- Demo models and charts for counseling.
- Departmental library with a collection of 139 books.
- IPD: Closed ward facility for aggressive patients and de-addiction centre
- E-learning classes to all under graduates and post graduates.
- Encourage students to actively participate in both state and national level activities academically and non-academically in all kind of activates.
- Equipped with skilled lab where both post graduates and under graduates are given hands on training skills.
- Intensive Teaching schedule on all working days for Post graduates.
- Clinical postings done regularly with ward leaving examinations to under graduates.
- We update ourselves regular approaches and treatment methods by from of journal club.
- The departmental library is provided with various journals and recent books- 139
- K Rheea Cheriyan , Varnika Gurrapu Ravula Purvy Manhari, S Manjula and R Sateesh Babu. Prevalence of sleep disorders among south Indian medical students. International Journal of Psychiatry Research 2024; 6(1): xx-xx.
- D. Adil Faizan. Impact of alcohol dependence syndrome severity on male sexual dysfunction : A CONSORT – guided cross – sectional analysis. Revised: 05-Jun-2024, Accepted : 09-Jun-2024, Published.
- D. Adil Faizan.Assessment of Eustachian Tube Function and H earing Status in Oral Submucous Fibrosisi : A Cross – Sectional Study. Doi : 10. 36478/makrjms. 2024;7:299-303.
- Prashanth . A Cross Sectional Study of sexual dysfunction in alcohol dependence syndrome. International Journal in Psychiatry 2024:4(1):08-11.
- Prashanth , Sreeja Moolamalla, Amitha Deep Chowdhary, M. Raguram And Pramod.A Cross Sectional Study of sexual dysfunction in alcohol dependence syndrome. International Journal in Psychiatry 2024:4(1):08-11.
- Adil Faizan, M. Raghuram, Sri Divya Reddy, Geethanjali, R. Steesh Babu. Anxiety Depression , and Quality of Life in the Postnatal Period : A Cross – Sectional Analysis in a Tertiary Care Setting in Khammam, Telangana and South India. Accepted : 10 -July- 2024, Published : 21-Sep-2024.
- Sana Kausar, Duddela Sara, Raghuram, Sateesh Babu, Pramod Kumar Reddy. Psychiatric Morbidity & Coping Strategies among Wives of Alcohol Dependence Syndrome. June 2024;7(1):07-12.
- Abdul Rahman Baothman, Prashanth Challuri, Gattavali Ramana, Raghuram Macharapu, Pramod Kumar Reddy Mallepalli. A Study of assement of depression, anxiety, and stress among coronavirus disease 2019 patients at tertiary hospital. Telangana. J Psychiatry, 2022;8:14-9.
- Bhavesh kumar jayantial Dhedhi, ramana Gattavalli, Gyan nihal Nadukuru, Raghuram Macharapu, Pramod Kumar Reddy Mallepalli. A Level of empathy and spirituality among undergraduate medical students of a tertiary hospital in Telangana: A cross-sectional study. A cross-sectional sudy. Telangana J Psychiatry, 2022;8:46-52.
- Mohammad Sohel, Kavya sri Konneru,Pramod Kumar Reddy M. Unremitting Schizophrenia: A Study of functioning of a Family and social Support at Tertiary Centres, Telangana/REP Indian journal of Medical Psychiatry. 2022;5(2):59-64.
- Sridhar Reddy N, Koneru kavya sri, Pramod Kumar Reddy Mallepally. A Study on effects of Drug addiction on Families in Telangana/REP Indian journal of Medical Psychiatry. 2022;5(2): 103-110.
- Bangaru Sudheer, Koneru kavya sri, Pramod Kumar Reddy M. Depression and Anxiety Prevalence, Quality of Life and its Consideration among Psoriasispatients:; A Cross-Sectional Study/ REP Indian journal of Medical Psychiatry. 2022;5(2):67-73.
- Md.Adhil Faizan, Koneru kavya sri, Pramod Kumar Reddy Mallepally. A Study on the Problematic Internet use (PICU) in Telangana Undergraduate Medical Students/ REP Indian journal of Medical Psychiatry. 2022;5(2):41-49.
- Vineela, Koneru kavya sri, Pramod Kumar Reddy Mallepally. Choosing Psychiatry as A Speciality-Attitude of Medical Students/ REP Indian journal of Medical Psychiatry. 2022;5(2):75-81.
- Keeravani, , Koneru kavya sri, Pramod Kumar Reddy Mallepally. The severity of Domestic Violence and Its links to coping skills and Medication Compliance in Women With Mental ILLnesses in Telangana/ REP Indian journal of Medical Psychiatry. 2022;5(2):97-102.
- Sudheer Bangaru, Ramana Gattavalli, Chandrika Nikitha Chowdary and Koratala Anoop. A study on valuation of mental health among the resident doctors, house surgeons, during the corona virus disease- 2019,pandemic at Teritary hospital, khammam, Telangana. . International Journal of research in Psychiatry. 2022; 2(1):11-13.
- V Moulika, Ramana Gattavalli and chandrika Nikitha Chowdary. A study to assess education, knowledge and attitude towards homosexuality in Telangana, International Journal of Psychiatry, 2022;2(1):06-10.
- Gyan Nihal N, Prashanth Challuri, Mallepalli Pramod Kumar Reddy, Ravulapati Satheesh Babu. Stress and anxiety among medical interns and doctors deputed in COVID duties, a cross sectional study, Telangana Journal of Psychiatry, 2021;7:122-7.
- Lakshmi Shodhana ,Ravulapati Sateesh Babu. Emotional intelligence among medical undergraduates, interns, postgraduates, and medical practitioners : Archives of Mental Health. jan – june 2020; 21(1); 12-5.
- Lakshmi Shodhana ,Ravulapati Sateesh Babu. A cross-sectional study of the barriers for seeking mental health care among medical undergraduates : Archives of Mental Health. jan – june 2020;21(1); 16-20.
- Kandula Somabala Charishma, Ravulapati Sateesh Babu. The prevalence and correlates of social phobia among undergraduates medical students: Telangana Journal of Psychiatry. Jan – jun 2020; 6(1):64-68.
- Bhavesh J Dhedhi, Ravulapati Sateesh Babu. Study of sleep quality among residents, interns, staff nuses and medical students: 2020;2(1):05-08.
- Vivek Kumar Rachakatla, CH Prashanth. Perceptions of partner drinking problems, regulation strategies, and relationship outcomes: Archives of Mental Health. jan – june 2020; volume 21 (1); 39-42.
- Bhavesh J Dhedhi, PrashanthChalluri. Study of sleep quality among residents, interns, staff nurses and medical students: 2020;2(2); 05-08.
- GyanNihal N. Depression and anxiety symptoms in cardiac patients: RFP indian journal of medical psychiatry. jan – june 2020; 3(1)
- GyanNihal. Stressors among medical college undergraduates: Archives of mental health. jul-dec 2020;21,(2).
- Bhavesh J Dhedhi, GyanNihalN. Study of sleep quality among residents, interns, staff nurses and medical students: 2020; 2,(1): 05-08.
- Abdul RahmanBaothman, RamanaGattavalli. A study of attitude towards psychiatry among private medical college undergraduates: RFP Indian Journal of Medical Psychiatry. Jan-Jun 2020; Vol 3 (1); 9-14.
- Vivek Kumar Rachakatla, ManjulaSakamuri. Perceptions of partner drinking problems, regulation strategies, and relationship outcomes. Archives of Mental Health. jan – june 2020;21(1):39-42.
- Lakshmi Shodhana, ManjulaSakamuri. Emotional intelligence among medical undergraduates, interns, postgraduates, and medical practitioners. Archives of Mental Health. jan – june 2020; 21(1):12-5.
- Lakshmi Shodhana, Manjula Sakamuri. A cross-sectional study of the barriers for seeking mental health care among medical undergraduates: Archives of Mental Health. jan – june 2020;21(1);16-20.
- Kandula Somabala Charishma, Manjula Sakamuri. The prevalence and correlates of social phobia among undergraduates medical students :Telangana Journal of Psychiatry. Jan – jun 2020; 6(1):64-68.
- Manjula Sakamuri. The role of personality in marital satisfaction among distressed and non distressed married couples: EC Psychology and Psychiatry. 2020;9(10); 64-72.
PROJECTS (2019-2020)
- Anxiety, depression, and quality of life in females diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome – Dr. K. S. Charishma.
- A study of psychiatric comorbidity in patients with ischemic heart disease – Dr. Abdul rahman Boathman.
- Prevalence and correlates of sexual dysfunction in male patients with alcohol dependence syndrome – Dr. R. Vivek kumar.
- A study of self stigma and self esteem inpersons with schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder in their remission – Dr. Bhavesh J Dhedhi.
- Dr. R. Vivek Kumar, Dr. K. S. Charishma, Attended “16th Annual National Conference of Indian Association of Biological Psychiatry” 6th & 7th Feb 2021.
- Dr. R. Vivek Kumar, Dr. K. S. Charishma, Dr. Abdul Rahman, Dr. Bhavesh Dhedhi, Attended Workshop on “ Cyber & Workspace security for Women” conducted by IPS – South Zone Branch on 07-03-2021 –
- Dr. R. Vivek Kumar, Dr. K. S. Charishma, Attended 6th Annual CME Programme of Indian Psychiatric Society, Telangana State branch held on 11th April 2021.
- Dr. K. S. Charishma, Attended Monthly Online CME on “CHILD PSYCHIATRY , ADHD on 19th June 2021.
- Dr. Bhavesh Dhedhi, Attended 33 ECNP Congress Educational Highlights Virtual Session , India 2021 on 15th May 2021.