Overview of Department:

Medical physiology concentrates on the organisation and functioning of human body. Physiology is the basis for understanding diseased states and their treatment modality.
Our Physiology department includes enthusiastic and hardworking faculty. Regular Undergraduate and Post Graduate activities are taking place. We have 3 Ph.D scholars doing their Doctorate thesis.
Department renders high quality teaching and training undergraduate and postgraduate students. It has a well-structured program for undergraduate and postgraduate students which includes lectures, tutorials, Seminars, Journal Clubs, laboratory practicals and demonstrations. Department encourages faculty and doctoral candidates to take new interesting research projects, and present the topic in conferences and do publications. Physiology department actively participate in research and medical education activities. In collaboration with clinical departments we conduct integrated teaching and early clinical exposure to make the subject more interesting and improvethe ability of studentsto learn about pathological aspects of diseases.

Imparting knowledge of physiology to paramedical courses like dentistry and nursing also come under department’s purview.
Under the guidance of Institutional Head, Academic and extracurricular performances of students are closely monitored with a strong and efficient mentorship program. Regular feedback is taken from students regarding teaching learning methods, any suggestions for improvise is considered.

Planning for digital clinical laboratory set up in coming days. Implementation of AETCOM from this academic batch 2019-20.

Departmental Faculty:

S. No. Name Designation
1 Dr. Peterson Rufus Rajkumar Professor & HOD
2 Dr. Kancharla Sirisha Professor
3 Dr. Puvvada Amrutha Associate Professor
4 Dr. Gopi. M Associate Professor
5 Dr. B S Sunitha Assistant Professor
6 Dr. Kampati Sudhama Assistant Professor
7 Ms. Kanneganti Jhansi  Assistant Professor
8 Mr. Annepaka Eliya Raju Tutor
9 Dr. Yasa Suresh Kumar Tutor
10 Dr. Narasimha Setty Sri Sai Sravya Tutor
11 Dr. Konduri Keerthi Tutor
12 Dr. Podila Prudhvi Raj Tutor 
13 Dr. Varun Chowdary Nallamotu Tutor
14 Dr. Burra Abhishek Tutor




Proper understanding of subject. Applying the concepts of Physiology in understanding and practicing clinical medicine

To enhance knowledge and skill in performing the practical tests and examining the patients.

Enable the students to emerge as a competent trained medical professional and able to deliver independent, quality and effective healthcare service to the community Encourage faculty in research activities


  • Departmental library is provided with 178 books and two desktops with an internet facility.
  • Didactic lecture gallery with facilities of various audio-visual aids.
  • Haematology laboratory
  • Well-equipped Clinical and Human laboratory
  • Amphibian and Mammalian Laboratory


  1. Kancharla Sirisha, Kanneganti Jhansi.  Does Crossword Puzzle Rightly Cross the Brain of Medical Students. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2024;16(7):1235-1241.
  2. Kanneganti Jhansi, Kancharla Sirisha, K Amulya Sanghamithra. Prevention is Better than Cure: A Study of Platelets, CRP Predisposing to Preeclampsia in Healthy Antenatal Women. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2024;16(8):1040-1043.
  3. Kancharla Sirisha, Kanneganti Jhansi . Does Crossword Puzzle Rightly Cross the   Brain of Medical Students? International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical   Research 2024; 16(7); 1235-1241
  4. M.Gopi et.al; Novel Machine Learning Approach for Forecasting the Possibility of Recurrence  in Community-Acquired Pnemonia: salud, ciencia,y Technologia. 2024;4;929.
  5. K.Amrutha, J.Harsoda, Sympathetic Overactivity and Parasympathetic Impairment  in Type  2 Diabetes: An Analysis of Cardiovascular Autonomic Functions. Cureus 16(5): 59561.
  6. K.Amrutha, J.Harsoda, Metabolic Dysregulation and Its Multifaceted Impact on Cardiovascular Autonomic Control in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Insights  From  Comprehensive Assessment. Cureus 16(5): 59776.
  7. Eliya raju, Annepaka, Muthulakshmi Rangasmy, Srilakshmi , Suresh Babu, Investigation of the Cognitive activity between the leaf extracts of eclipta alba and ziziphus jujuba in diabetic animal models. , Cureus 16(3):e55400.DOI 10.7759.
  8. Purna Singh, Bagavathiammal Periyasamy, Rajput S. A. Kiran Singh, Seralathan G, Thamizhvanan, Nallasivam, Panneerselvam Periasamy. Frequency of ABO Blood Groups in HIV Infected Individuals in Khammam-Telangana. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2024;16(3):1038-1042.
  9. Rufus Rajkumar Peterson,G.Sandeep .Perception of First MBBS students to  AETCOM module on Doctor patient relationship..InternationalJournal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research2023,15(4):1664-1668.
  10. Rufus Rajkumar Peterson,G.Sandeep Cold pressor test as a predictor of Hypertension in normotensive medical students .International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research2023,15(7):787-789.
  11. Ankur, K.Amrutha,Sashikantverma,Rampure MDilip. Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in Diabetis Mellitus, European Journal of cardiovascular medicine. 2023;13(3):216-2170.
  12. Ankur,K.Amrutha,Sashikantverma,Rampure MDilip. Pattern of respiratory diseases in Diabetes Mellitus .European Journal of cardiovascular medicine. 2023;13(3):1775-1780.
  13. P Amrutha.The effects of exercise on blood pressure regulation in patients with hypertension, An instructional study.Journal of Cardiovascular disease research. 2023;14(8):2241-2245.
  14. P Amrutha. Analysis of haemoglobinto red cell count ratio in individuals with sickle cellanemia and healthy controls, Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research. 2023;14(8):2237-2240.
  15. K.Amrutha. A study to evaluate the association of HBA1C and Cardiovascular functions among the diabetic and non- diabetic population of a rural setting. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2022;9(4):3628-3633.
  16. K.Amrutha. Association of autonomic imbalance with cardiovascular risk in diabetic patients of a tertiary care setting: An observational study. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2022;9(4):3624-3627.
  17. K. Jhansi. Evaluation of maternal cortisol – to –highly sensitive C-reactive protein ratio and glucocorticoid receptor resistance at 11-14 weeks of pregnancy to predict pre-eclampsia. Current Medicine Research and Practice, September – October  2022;12(5):205-210.
  18. Jhansi. Association of D-dimer and Lipid Biomarkers with Preeclampsia and Their Role in  Prediction from a Rural Tertiary Care Setting. Journal of Scientific Society, May – August 2022;49(2):121-124.


  • Cardio- vascular Autonomic function tests in type –II Diabetics & non-Diabetics by Mrs.K.Amrutha.
  • Evaluation of W.B.C sub type ratios, platelet indices and hs – CRP levels to predict the pre – eclampsia at 11-14 weeks of human pregnancy by Miss. K. Jhansi.