Overview of Department:
The department has state-of-the-art facilities for training of undergraduate and postgraduate students in Community Medicine. Assistance to central and state governments in implementation of various national health programs through monitoring and evaluation and providing assessment reports and constructive feedback. It has state-of-the-art facilities for training of undergraduate and postgraduate students in Community Medicine The department has been involved in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of health programs and activities in its vast field practice area It has a rich experience of handling various research projects funded by national and state agencies in the field of public health. The department has also played a key role in evaluation of national health programs by assisting central and state governments.
S. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. Karlapudi Nithesh Kumar | Professor & HOD |
2 | Dr. Sameer Phadnis | Professor |
3 | Dr. Gaurij Deepak Hood | Associate Professor |
4 | Dr. Reeti Tewari | Associate Professor |
5 | Dr. Mareeswaran Nagendran | Assistant Professor |
6 | Dr. Kandhavadivel. M | Assistant Professor |
7 | Dr. Hemant Bhimrao Adikane | Assistant Professor |
8 | Ms. Mulaka Pranathi | Statistician |
9 | Dr. Kollabathina Malavya | Tutor |
10 | Dr. Palacharla Aparna | Tutor |
11 | Dr. Javvaji Harsha | Tutor |
12 | Dr. Syed Atif Umair | Tutor |
13 | Dr. Kamatham Sivani | Tutor |
14 | Dr. D. Mehar Sasi Kiran Singh | Tutor |
15 | Dr. Shaik Sana Dilshad | Tutor |
16 | Dr. Vanguri Vishnu Vardhan | Tutor |
17 | Dr. Gadde Krishna Chaitanya | Tutor |
Courses Offered:
MBBS Course:
M.B.B.S students’ training in Community Medicine starts from 1st semester and continues till 7th semester. After a gap of one year, on successful completion of 9th semester they come back to the Community Medicine department for 2 months as CRRIs. Medical students teaching and training includes Lectures, Small Group Discussions, Seminars, Clinico-social Case Discussions, Problem solving exercises, Field Visits and Laboratory work.
Community oriented training is given to MBBS students as follows.
They are taken to field practice areas and are exposed to local health problems. The methodology of carrying out surveys is explained. The types of instruction include both observational and participatory.
- Nutrition, Socio-demographic & morbidity surveys
- Family health advisory services, home visits
- Reproductive & Child health care
- Outreach activities (Health Awareness Programmes)
- Specialist clinics are conducted every week on Thursdays
- Clinico – social case studies are conducted on cases from OPD as well as from wards.
- The students are exposed to various important institutions / organizations of Public Health importance.
- At the end of the above programme, the students present the observations on their visits / Clinico-Social cases and these are discussed objectively. All the staff members take part in the discussions.
- Short assessment test is conducted on the penultimate day of each postings and adequate feed back is given to the students.
- After successful completion of final year, the MBBS students are posted to community medicine department for 2 months as a part of compulsory Rotating Internship (CRRI) in batches of 21 – 24 students. CRRIs are given training in Primary Health Centre and Urban Health Centre and in other Public Health Institutions.
- Training in clinical diagnosis & management of common diseases in Rural settings.
- Exposure & hands –on experience in District Health Care system
- Management training through assistance to the concerned Medical Officer
- Training in Journal club presentations, seminars and recent advances in health care
- Doctor-patient relationship – emphasis on care & compassion especially for the socially disadvantaged (Non scholastic ability)
Library: Departmental library is provided with more than 108 books and two desktops with an internet facility.
Core Competencies
- Epidemiology
- Health management
- Health education
- Primary Health Care
- Monitoring and evaluation of health program
- Biostatistics
- Disease prevention and control strategies.
- Community Health Research.
- K.Harinathbabu, K.Sunitha and K.Nitheskumar. Efficacy and safety of topical cyclosporine 0.05% in vernal keratoconjunctivitis: Aggarwal Eye Hospital, Hyderabad. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 2022;5(1):214-218.
- Shravani M, Chennuri H, Kumar BPR. Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice towards Coronavirus Disease 2019 among People Residing in Rural Village, Khammam District, Telangana. Ann Community Health. 2021;9(3):1-5.
- Nagapraveen Veerapu, Maslekar SD. et al.,Bubble CPAP (Continous Positive airway pressure) therapy as a primary mode of respiratory support in preterm newborns with mild to moderate respiratory distress syndrome. Peddiatric Review – International Journal of Pediatric Research. 2021;8(2).
- Nagapraveen Veerapu. Thrombocytopenia and thrombocytosis as a predictor of neonatal sepsis: a hospital-based cross-sectional study. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics Babji NS et al. Int J ContempPediatr. May 2021;8(5): 860-866.
- B.P.Ravi Kumar. Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice towards CoronavirusDisease 2019 among People Residing in Rural Village, Khammam District, Telangana.Int.J Community Health 2021July- Sep;9(3).
- Harish. Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice towards Coronavirus Disease 2019 among People Residing in Rural Village, Khammam District, Telangana.Int.J Community Health 2021July- Sep;9(3).
- M.ShravaniKnowledge, Attitude, and Practice towards Coronavirus Disease 2019 among People Residing in Rural Village, Khammam District, Telangana.Int.J Community Health 2021July- Sep;9(3).
- Veerapu, Nagapraveen & Baer, Philip and Kudumula, Meghana. Health beliefs about hypertension among hypertensive elderly people in Khammam urban locality: health belief model. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health.2020;7(10): 3892-3895.
- Veerapu, Nagapraveen & Bear, Ravi &Varikuti, Subbarao and Kurada, Jayakrishna. Pilot testing of sticker tool method for monitoring DOTS providers under revised national tuberculosis control program in Khammam: operational research. International Journal of Advances in Medicine.2020;7(5):790-794.
- Active Tuberculosis case finding collaboration with State Tuberculosis division, Govt. of Telangana.
- Tuberculosis death audit collaboration with State Tuberculosis Division, Govt. of Telangana
- National Survey on Estimated District Prevalence of Tuberculosis.collobarated with central Tuberculosis Division,
- GOI, and world health Organization..
- Pilot testing of sticker tool method for monitoring DOTS care provider under RNTCP programme in Khammam