1. Indla Edward, Ravikiran Morampudi, Prashanth Kumar, Patnaik. Influence Of Patient Anatomical Variability On The Pharmacodynamics Of Intravenous Anaesthetics. An Observational Study. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2024;16(3):1028-1031.
  2. Edward Indla, K V Rajasekar, Bandarupalli Naveen Kumar, S Saravana Kumar, Udaya Kumar P, Suresh Babu Sayana. Modulation of Oxidative Stress and Glycemic Control in Diabetic Wistar Rats: The Therapeutic Potential of Theobroma cacao and Camellia sinensis Diets. Cureus. 2024 Mar 11;16(3):e5598.
  3.  Ravi Kiran Morampudi , Vishali Neelakandan , Bandarupalli Naveen Kumar , Edward Indla.  Evaluation of Cognitive and Synaptic Restoration in Diabetic Rats Treated With Emblica officinalis, Clitoria ternatea, Vitamin C, and Metformin. Open Access Original Article . Cureus 16(12):e75866.
  4. Rajeswara Rao N, Avantika Bamne, Sujatha Nagari, Hemanth Kommuru. Anatomical Variations of the Sciatic Nerve: High Division and Trifurcation and its Clinical Implications International Journal of Medical Science and Current Research. September- October 2024;7(5): 352-357.
  5. Galenka Vijayasree, Ratnapriyanka Janamala, M.Nagendra Babu. A Study of Morphometic Measurements of Foramen Magnum in Male adult dry skulls. September-2024;14(09):7-10.
  6. R. Reema Rao Incidence & Morphological Variation Rotundum & Foramen Lacerum In 173 Human Skulls From Andhra Pradesh India.
  7. R. Reema Rao Morphological & Morphometic Analysis of Middle Crauial Foramine in adult Human Skulls Implication for Neurological Procedure.
  8. K.Sangeetha, Shashi Bushan Gollapalli. Anatomical correlation of lung lobes, fissures and pulmonary disorders in cadaveric specimens –An institutional study. Embassy- Research Journal of Medical sciences. 17th oct-2023;17(12).
  9. Indla E, Rajasekar K, Naveen Kumar B. Neurohistopathological Alterations Induced by Theobroma Cacao and Camellia Sinensis Extracts in Diabetic Male Wistar Rats. Cureus. November 08, 2023;15(11).
  10. Tirumala Bukkapatnam Ramakrishna, Uma Pokala, Sasikala Kanapalli, Naveen Pokala and Uday Kumar P.  Trends in hospitalization and mortality in COVID-19 admitted patients after a single dose of vaccine,  Asian Journal of Medical Sciences. Jul 2023;14(7).
  11. Sujatha Nagari, Hemanth Kommuru, Nithin Kumar Pulluru and Swayam Jothi S. Morphological study & Histological changes that takes Place in human placenta due to nutritional anaemia, Indian Journal of Applied Research, November 2022; 12(11):36-39.

  1. Kancharla Sirisha, Kanneganti Jhansi. Does Crossword Puzzle Rightly Cross the Brain of Medical Students. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2024;16(7):1235-1241.
  2. Kanneganti Jhansi, Kancharla Sirisha, K Amulya Sanghamithra. Prevention is Better than Cure: A Study of Platelets, CRP Predisposing to Preeclampsia in Healthy Antenatal Women. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2024;16(8):1040-1043.
  3. Kancharla Sirisha, Kanneganti Jhansi . Does Crossword Puzzle Rightly Cross the Brain of Medical Students? International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical   Research 2024; 16(7); 1235-1241
  4. Gopi et.al; Novel Machine Learning Approach for Forecasting the Possibility of Recurrence in Community-Acquired Pnemonia: salud, ciencia,y Technologia. 2024;4;929.
  5. Amrutha, J.Harsoda, Sympathetic Overactivity and Parasympathetic Impairment in Type  2 Diabetes: An Analysis of Cardiovascular Autonomic Functions. Cureus 16(5): 59561.
  6. Amrutha, J.Harsoda, Metabolic Dysregulation and Its Multifaceted Impact on Cardiovascular Autonomic Control in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Insights From  Comprehensive Assessment. Cureus 16(5): 59776.
  7. Eliya raju, Annepaka, Muthulakshmi Rangasmy, Srilakshmi , Suresh Babu, Investigation of the Cognitive activity between the leaf extracts of eclipta alba and ziziphus jujuba in diabetic animal models. , Cureus 16(3):e55400.
  8. Purna Singh, Bagavathiammal Periyasamy, Rajput S. A. Kiran Singh, Seralathan G, Thamizhvanan, Nallasivam, Panneerselvam Periasamy. Frequency of ABO Blood Groups in HIV Infected Individuals in Khammam-Telangana. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2024;16(3):1038-1042.
  9. Rufus Rajkumar Peterson,G.Sandeep .Perception of First MBBS students to  AETCOM module on Doctor patient relationship..InternationalJournal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2023;15(4):1664-1668.
  10. Rufus Rajkumar Peterson,G.Sandeep Cold pressor test as a predictor of Hypertension in normotensive medical students .International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2023;15(7):787-789.
  11. Ankur, K.Amrutha,Sashikantverma,Rampure MDilip. Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in Diabetis Mellitus, European Journal of cardiovascular medicine. 2023;13(3):216-2170.
  12. Ankur,K.Amrutha,Sashikantverma,Rampure MDilip. Pattern of respiratory diseases in Diabetes Mellitus .European Journal of cardiovascular medicine. 2023;13(3):1775-1780.
  13. P Amrutha.The effects of exercise on blood pressure regulation in patients with hypertension, An instructional study.Journal of Cardiovascular disease research. 2023;14(8):2241-2245.
  14. P Amrutha. Analysis of haemoglobinto red cell count ratio in individuals with sickle cellanemia and healthy controls, Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research. 2023;14(8):2237-2240.
  15. K.Amrutha. A study to evaluate the association of HBA1C and Cardiovascular functions among the diabetic and non- diabetic population of a rural setting. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 2022;9(4):3628-3633.
  16. K.Amrutha. Association of autonomic imbalance with cardiovascular risk in diabetic patients of a tertiary care setting: An observational study. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 2022;9(4):3624-3627.
  17. K. Jhansi. Evaluation of maternal cortisol – to –highly sensitive C-reactive protein ratio and glucocorticoid receptor resistance at 11-14 weeks of pregnancy to predict pre-eclampsia. Current Medicine Research and Practice. September – October  2022;12(5):205-210.
  18. Jhansi. Association of D-dimer and Lipid Biomarkers with Preeclampsia and Their Role in  Prediction from a Rural Tertiary Care Setting. Journal of Scientific Society. May – August 2022;49(2):121-124.

  1. P.Balaji, S. Agni Vishnu Sailesh, M. Bhaskar Rao & B. Nageshwar Rao. Diagnostic Value of Neutrophil‐ to‐Lymphocyte Ratio, Serum Interleukin‐6 and CRP in Pediatric Tonsillitis. Int. J. Trop. Med. 2025;20(1):49-53.
  2. Balaji, M. BhaskaraRao, S. Agni Vishnu Sailesh & K. Kalian Kumar. Serum Lactate, Ferritin, Albumin and Oxidative Stress Markers as Diagnostic and  Pathophysiological  Indicators in Chronic Rhino Sinusitis. Res. J. Med. Sci. 2025;19(2):141-145.
  3. Eliya raju, Annepaka, Muthulakshmi Rangasmy, Srilakshmi , Suresh Babu, Investigation of the Cognitive activity between the leaf extracts of eclipta alba and ziziphus jujuba in diabetic animal models. , Cureus 16(3):e55400.DOI 10.7759.
  4. Mohammad Aminuddin, Shreya Nigoska, K. Kalyan Kumar, V. Sunanda. Study of Thyroid Profile in Chronic Kidney Disorders Middle Aged Individuals, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2023;15(4):179-183.
  5. Mohammad Aminuddin, Shreya Nigoska, K. Kalyan Kumar, N Vani. Study of Lipid Profile in Stress Induced Type 2 Diabetic Nephropathy Patients, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2023;15(4):209-213.
  6. Priyanka, K.Kalyan kumar, P.Srilakshmi, Reduced omentin-1 Concentration in the Serum of Normoglycemic First – Degree Relatives of Individuals with types 2 Diabetes,Int J.Trop .Med. 18:30-34.
  7. L.Vijaya , Christy Pradeep raj, Siva Jyothi ,M. Madhulatha. Evaluation of abnormal serum electrolytes in asthmatics .European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 2023;10(1):3599 – 3606.
  8. L.Vijaya, Patel N, Singh D, Lokary Vijaya  V,Shaker IA. Polycystic ovaraian syndrome and microbiome.Implications for womens health, J MedSci Res.2023;11(1)1:47-56.
  9. L.Vijaya, Amit Vasant Deshpande,Vijaya Lokary, Baer Philip Ravikumar. Non –Lipid risk factors in the development of metabolic syndrome, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 2023;10(1):4555-4560.
  10. Nagapraveen Veerapu, Dhanashree P Inamdar , Baer P Ravi Kumar, Basavaraju Anuradha , Pavitra Guddanti, Sree D Issapuri, Nikhita S Ganta, Arun Gopi. Effectiveness of COVID‑19 Vaccines against SARS‑CoV‑2 Infection among Persons Attending the RT‑PCR center at a Medical College Hospital in Telangana: A Case‑ Control Study. Indian Journal of Community Medicine,  October-December 2022;47(4):587-590.
  11. C. Uthira Kumar, A Suma Preethi, Y. V. Ramakrishna Reddy, K. Kalyan Kumar, B. Nageshwar Rao. Effect of trimetazidine in experimental animals with coronary heart disease or and in combination with diabetes mellitus, International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research 2022;9(1):17–21.
  12. A.Suma Preethi, K. Kalyan Kumar, P. Srilakshmi. Evaluation of Hepatic Enzyme Levels and Haematological Profiles in Chikungunya Patients- An Institutional Study, Asian Journal of Research in Biochemistry, 2021;9(4): 34-40.

  1. Sravani M R, Bharat Kumar S, Naveen Avula, Naresh Venkat J. Awareness of medical students about the role of artificial intelligence in health care: A survey-based cross-sectional study. Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol. 2024;14(3):490-494.
  2. Sravani M R, Swetha Vijetha M, Naveen Avula, Krishna Sowmya Balla, Bharat Kumar Samatham, Md. Zubair Ahmed, Deepa Latha C. A study on knowledge, attitude, and practice of pharmacovigilance and adverse drug reactions awareness among health-care students in a tertiary care teaching hospital, Telangana, India. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2024;14(03):509-514.
  3. Naveen Aalasyam, Sriharsha Rayam, Vijay kumar Sayeli, Naveen Pokala, Praveen Kamatham. A cross-sectional study on attitude and feedback of phase-II medical students on competency-based medical education. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2024;14(08):1-4.
  4. Naveen Pokala, Vijaykumar Sayeli, Sriharsha Rayam. A cross-sectional study to assess the knowledge attitude practice of pharmacovigilance among the dentists in an indian tertiary care teaching dental hospital in south india. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2023; 16 (12):198-202.
  5. Sriharsha Rayam, Bhavika D, P.Raja Sulochana, P.Kamala Subhashini, Yakaiah Vangoori,  Aruna Kutani. Evaluation of Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic    Activities of Dexibuprofen in Albino Rats: An Experimental Study. Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research. 2023; 14(6):1526-1531.
  6. Tirumala Bukkapatnam Ramakrishna , Uma Pokala , Sasikala Kanapalli , Naveen Pokala , Uday Kumar P. Trends in hospitalization and mortality in COVID-19 admitted patients after a single dose of vaccine. Asian journal of medical sciences. 2023; 14 (7):1-7.
  7. Vijay Kumar Sayeli, Uma Pokala, Sriharsha Rayam. Comparison of cilnidipine and telmisartan in the management of hypertensive Patients attending a tertiary care Teaching hospital. Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research. 2023; 14 (5): 571 -575.
  8. Karthikeyan, Vijay kumar Sayeli, V.Vijayan1, BinoyVargheseCheriyan, M.Sumithra, Semmal Syed Meerasa, M. Sakthiganapathi , G. Haema , V.Abishek. Novel analytical method development for estimation of Remdesivir in bulk byusing Bromocresol purple- Acid dye. Europian chemical Bulletin. 2023; 12 (5): 1199-1207.
  9. Prashant Keshavrao Nichat, Neelkanth Kote, Aalasyam Naveen, Rahmat Abdul Rahim, Sai Sailesh Kumar Goothy, Anita Choudhary. Assessment of psychological parameters, psychomotor speed, and quality of life in pre-hypertensive women. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2023;14 (1):1-8.
  10. Naveen Aalasyam,  Shilpa Potnuru,  Chandra Mouli,  Sileveru,  Uma Pokala,  Naveen P. Antimicrobial Prescription Pattern in ENT Outpatient Department in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital, Telangana, India. International Journal of Recent Surgical and Medical Sciences © 2023.
  11. Swathi. C, Venkatanarayana Narapogu, Aalasyam Naveen, Kamatham Praveen, Neelkanth Kote, Sai Sailesh kumar Goothy. Assessment of mental well-being in second-year medical students. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 2023; 10 (4):1034-1039.
  12. Vijay Kumar Sayeli,Uma Pokala and Sriharsha Rayam. Comparison of Cilnidipine And Telmisartan In The Management Of Hypertensive Patients Attending A Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital, Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research, 2023;14(5):571-575.
  13. Karthikeyan, VijaykumarSayeli,V.Vijayan, Binoy Varghese Cheriyan, M.Sumithra, Semmal Syed Meerasa, M. Sakthiganapathi, G. Haema and V.Abishek. Novel analytical method development for estimation of Remdesivir in bulk byusing Bromocresol purple- Acid dye, Chem. Bull. 2023;12(5):1199-1207.
  14. Aalasyam Naveen, Vijaykumar Sayeli, Uma Pokala, Kamatham Praveen. Sai Sailesh Kumar Goothy, Effectiveness of 12 Weeks of Practice of Raja Yoga Meditation on Cognitive Functions in Young Adults. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 2022;13(8):4550-4552.
  15. Kadmad Abdul Hameed Mohamed Azar, Devaraj Ezhilarasan, Suresh Rao, Kamatham Praveen. Evaluations of sub-acute toxicity of the ethanolic root extract of coleus vettiveroides in albino wistar rats. European Chemical Bulletin. 2022;11(10):101.
  16. Aalasyam Naveen, Vijay Kumar Sayeli, Uma Pokala. Effectiveness of 12-week Om chanting on reaction time and spatial and verbal memory. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences.2022;13(10):233-236.
  17. Kishan Dhaniyala, Vurimi Bhopal Chandra, Sriharsha Rayam. A Cross-Sectional study of antihypertensive drug utilization pattern in rural population of southern India. Asian J Pharm Clin Res, 2022;15(3):39-41.
  18. Sriharsha Rayam, Kudagi BL, Ramya Jonnalagadda, Raveendra Kumar Nallabothula. To evaluate the effect of morus alba leaves extract on sleep and anxiety In rat models. Asian J Pharm Clin Res, 2022;15(1):100-102.
  19. Sriharsha Rayam, Shabnum Musaddiq, Purna Prasad Meegada. A Cross-Sectional study of attitude among medical students about online learning during Covid-19 pandemic in southern India. Asian J Pharm Clin Res, 2022;15(8):190-192.
  20. Hazra M. A pharmacovigilance study of comparative safety assessment of bedaquiline and levofloxacin, among multi-drug resistant tuberculosis patients in global multi-centre tertiary care hospitals, and an anti-tubercular molecular pharmacotherapeutic analysis of bedaquiline. World J Pharm Res. 2022;11(1):910-928.
  21. Hazra M. A comparative study on the pharmacovigilance scoring of causality assessment grading and staging of topical pharmacotherapy of ofloxacin 0.3% ophthalmic solution in bacterial conjunctivitis and ofloxacin 0.3% otic solution in otitis externa. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol. 2022;11(2):173-180.
  22. Hazra M. A comparative safety assessment of levosalbutamol and salbutamol, with the conventional drug delivery system, metered-dose inhaler, in mild asthma; with a Pharmacovigilance monologue. Int J Sci Stud. 2022;9(10):22-27.
  23. Hazra M. A clinical pharmacological study of quantitative specific symptomatology in global anaemic patients, and pharmacovigilance evaluation of ferrous ascorbate supplements. Int J Curr Med Pharm Res. 2022;8(01):62-65.
  24. Hazra M. A pharmacovigilance safety assessment and prescription patterns analysis of delamanid among global tertiary care multi-drug resistant tuberculosis patients: a study, in rational pharmacotherapeutic appraisal. Int J Curr Med Pharm Res. 2022; 8(1):42-45.
  25. Hazra M. Pharmacokinetic dose-deceleration study in evidence-based medical pharmacovigilance evaluation of anti-asthmatic aerosolised levosalbutamol, and qualitative pharmacogenomic association analysis between ADRB2 genetic polymorphisms and β2 sympathomimetic mechanisms: a mixed method Clinical Research.Int J Curr MedPharm Res. 2022;8(1):28-32.
  26. Hazra M. A clinical endocrinological quantitative study of specific symptomatic features among global type II diabetic patients, and a pharmacogenomic analysis of anti-diabetic pharmacotherapeutic agents. Int J Curr Med Pharm Res. 2022;8(1):33-36.
  27. Hazra M. “Betatrophin: A Novel Medical Advance”: A Medical Book. A Descriptive Analysis, in Clinical Research.” World J Pharm Res. 2022;11(2):525-536.
  28. Hazra M. A pharmacokinetic associative correlational study of varying drug doses with gemigliptin safety and anti-diabetic pharmacotherapeutic compliance.Int J Sci Stud. 2022;9(11):37-43.
  29. Hazra M. A pharmacokinetic dose-variation study of metformin and gemigliptin pharmacovigilance, and the clinical pharmacological significance of recent anti-diabetic pharmaceuticals. Int J Curr Med Pharm Res. 2022;8(1):19-24.
  30. Hazra M. An observational descriptive analytical clinical research study on the molecular pharmacological aspects of organoids and their clinical pharmacotherapeutic applications, in molecular medicine. IJMSIR. 2022;7(1):45-53.
  31. Hazra M. The Molecular Evidence-Based interactions between betatrophin and diabetes mellitus: A descriptive analytical Clinical Research. IJMSIR. 2022;7(1):45-53.

  1. P.Balaji, S. Agni Vishnu Sailesh, M. Bhaskar Rao & B. Nageshwar Rao. Diagnostic Value of Neutrophil‐ to‐Lymphocyte Ratio, Serum Interleukin‐6 and CRP in Pediatric Tonsillitis. Int. J. Trop. Med. 2025;20(1):49-53.
  2. Budati S, Anam PR, Nidanapu RP, Shaik N. Management of COVID-19 Medical Waste Based on Pyrolysis-SWOT Analysis. Int J Acad Med Pharm. 2024;06(01):647–55.
  3. Inamdar, Dhanashree P. Kulkarni, Arun, Basavaraju Anuradha. Genital ulcer disease: Study of factors associated and utility of rapid diagnostic methods in current pandemic- 2024. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. April 2024;13(4):1473-1480.
  4. C Sreelatha and P Shyam Sundar Rao “ A hospital based  retrospective observational assessment of the emerging cases of mucormycosis in post COVID -19 disease patients” Publish in Journal of Advances in Microbiology Research”. JRM. 2023;4(2):01 -04.
  5. Padmanabh Inamdar Dhanashree P.Inamdar Prasan kumar Hota, Y.Avinash , Pravalika Fothedar, Anuradha Basavaraju, Bathina Nikhil Reddy,Naru Sabarinatha Reddy “Perception and Role of Indirect and Post discharge Surgical site infection (SSI) in surgical patients : An institutional experience.” Accepted Journal of West African College of Surgeons (pubmed indexed)
  6. Anne T, Suryadevara V, Anuradha B. A comparative study on prevalence of uropathogens and their antibiogram in diabetics and non-diabetics attending a tertiary care hospital. Int J Res Med Sci. 2024;12:1197-1202.
  7. Preeti U Deshpande, Anuradha Basavaraju, Nagapraveen Veerapu, Ashish Akula. Knowledge, attitudes, and practices toward COVID-19 and its prevention among medical and dental students in an educational institution in Telangana. Indian J Pathol. Apr 2024;67(2):349-354.
  8. Inamdar P, Inamdar DP, Hota PK, Avinash Y, Fothedar P, Basavaraju A, et al.Perception and role of indirect and post-discharge surveillance in predicting surgical site infection in surgical patients: An institutional experience. J West Afr Coll Surg. Sep 2024;0(0):1-8.
  9. Sreelatha, P. Shyam Sunder Rao and B. Nageshwar Rao, 2024. Early Detection of Dengue Fever on Day One Using Clinical Criteria and NS1 Antigen Microelisa: A Comparative Study with Immunochromatography. Res. Nov 2024;18(12):151-155.
  10. P Sreelatha., et al. “Evidence Based Diagnosis of a Case of Tetanus”. EC Microbiology Dec 2024;20(12):01-04.
  11. Sreelatha P, Rao PSS, Rao BN. Syphilis an overview: the resurgence of an old foe - clinical presentation, diagnostic challenges, and treatment outcomes from a tertiary care center. Ro J Infect Dis. 2024;27(4):277-282.
  12. Inamdar D P, Deshpande P U, Basavraju A, Veerapu N. Fungal Rhinosinusitis: Study of Risk Factors,Outcome and Utility of Nasal Samples in Its Diagnosis. Iran J Med Microbiol. 2023;17(4):387-95.
  13. Murjanatu HS, Maryam IR, Ahmed AY, Saeed SA, Anam PR, Rogo LD. Bacteriological Assessment of Critical Areas in Three Selected Units in Jodhpur Dental College General Hospital, Jodhpur Rajasthan, India. Microbiol Res J Int. 2023 May 5;33(3):1–8.
  14. Anam PR, Prakash V, Verma  D, Myneni RB. Prevalence of Candida species and their Susceptibility to Triazoles in Clinical Isolates from a Tertiary Care Hospital. J Pure Appl Microbiol. 2023;17(4):2437-42.
  15. Anam PR, Prakash V, Myneni RB. Molecular characterization of ERG11 gene in triazole resistant Candida albicans isolated from a tertiary care hospital. J Cardiovasc Dis Res. 2023;14(11):172-86.
  16. Inamdar Dhanashree, K Arun, B Anuradha.Genital Ulcer Disease: Study of Factors Associated and Utility of Rapid Diagnostic Methods in Current Pandemic." Accepted (Dec 2023) in Journal of Family medicine and Primary care (PUBMED indexed).
  17. G.V.S. Mahesh, N. Harshini, B. Nageshwar Rao, B. Anuradha and Mohammed Ashraf Mohiddin Siddiq “Prevalence of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Nasal Carrier State among Pediatric Patients and Para‐Medical Staff in Tertiary Care Hospital”
  18. Uthira Kumar, A Suma Preethi, Y V Ramakrishna Reddy, K Kalyan Kumar, B Nageshwar Rao,” Effect of trimetazidine in experimental animals with coronary heart disease or and in combination with diabetes mellitus. Published in International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research. 2022 Jan 29;9(1):17-21.
  19. Smitha Reddy, B.V.Anuradha Devi, Swarupa Ravuri, B.Nageshwar Rao, Danda Samyukta Reddy5, Anunayi Jestadi. Study of role of Platelet count and mean platelet volume in evaluating the disease severity in Covid 19 Infection –our experience at tertiary care hospital. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 2022; 09(07).
  20. Nagapraveen Veerapu, Dhanashree P Inamdar , Baer P Ravi Kumar, Basavaraju Anuradha , Pavitra Guddanti, Sree D Issapuri, Nikhita S Ganta, Arun Gopi. Effectiveness of COVID‑19 Vaccines against SARS‑CoV‑2 Infection among Persons Attending the RT‑PCR center at a Medical College Hospital in Telangana: A Case‑ Control Study. Indian Journal of Community Medicine. October-December 2022;47(4):587-590.
  21. B. Nageshwar Rao. Effect of trimetazidine in experimental animals with coronary heart disease or and in combination with diabetes mellitus, International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research. 2022;9(1):17–21.
  22. B.Nageshwar Rao, Evaluation of Hepatic Enzyme Levels and Haematological Profiles in Chikungunya Patients- An Institutional Study, Asian Journal of Research in Biochemistry. 2021;9(4): 34-40.

  1. Thoutal Keerti Santoshi, P.Chaitanya Bharati, G.Krishna Kumari, Hymavathi Bathina, Kavya Komaravelli Etiology and clinical outcomes of Severe Anemia A comprehensive Clinico-Hematological Analysis.2024;18(6):62-67.
  2. Shireesha M, Sushma Yalavarthi, Shruthi Deshpande and GV Saikumar. Histopathological spectrum of lesions of kidney: A morphological study,  International Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology, 2023;6(2):13-16.
  3. Sushma Yalavarthi, Shruti Deshpande, Effectiveness of case based learning over traditional teaching methods in phase II MBBS students. International Journal  of educational research and studies, 2021:3(3):14-18.
  4. Deshpande SA, Rao KS, Sushma Y, Saikumar GV. International academy of cytology guidelines based categorization of breast fine-needle aspiration cytology lesions and their histopathological  correlation. J Datta Meghe Inst Med Sci Univ 2021;16:334-339.
  5. Deshpande SA. Maimoon  SA , Mahore SD. Significance of free total prostate specific antigen ratio in diagnosis of various prostatic lesion. Medpulse international journal of pathology. August 2021;19(2):40-45.

  1. Bharath Kumar, Z U Mohsin. The Analysis and Pattern of Sudden Deaths at a Teaching Hospital, Telangana. Indian Acad Forensic Med. January-March 2023;45(1):31-35.
  2. Bharath Kumar. Pattern of Snake Bite Cases Admitted at a Tertiary Hospital, Khammam. Indian Acad Forensic Med. July-September 2022;44(3): 59-63.
  3. Bharath Kumar. Pattern of Asphyxial Deaths. A Medico legal Study. J Indian Acad Forensic Med. January- March 2021;43(1):55-59.
  4. Bharath Kumar. The study of trends and outcome of acute poisoning in a tertiary care hospital, Khammam, Telangana. Medico legal update. July–September 2020;20(3):32-39.
  5. Bharath Kumar Guntheti. Pattern of Homicidal Deaths in Khammam. Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine. January-March 2019;41(1):24-29.

  1. K.Harinathbabu1, K.Sunitha, K.Nitheskumar. Efficacy and safety of topical cyclosporine 0.05% in vernal keratoconjunctivitis: Aggarwal Eye Hospital, Hyderabad. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 2022;5(1):214-218
  2. Dr.K.NitheshKumar , COVID-19 Vaccine Introduction and deployment Costing (CVIC) tool, Central bureau of health intelligence & World health organization, India, 4th August 2021.
  3. K.NitheshKumar, Clinical management of patients with COVID-19: Initial approach to the acutely ill patient 0n 10 thjuly 2021. conducted by Central bureau of health intelligence & World health organization ,India, 10thjuly 2021.
  4. Dr.K.NitheshKumar, WHO COVID-19 Mass Gatherings Risk Assessment Training , Clinical management of patients with COVID-19: Initial approach to the acutely, Central bureau of health intelligence & World health organization, India on 3rdjuly 2021.
  5. K. NitheshKumar, Occupational health and safety for health workers in the context of COVID-19, Central bureau of health intelligence & World health organization, India on 17thjune 2021.
  6. K. NitheshKumar , identification and management of infections in health workers in the context of COVID-19, Central bureau of health intelligence & World health organization, India on 29th May 2021.
  7. Dr.k.NitheshKumar Professor attended NATCON 2020 , 75th National Conference of tuberculosis and chest diseases, tuberculosis and Respiratory diseases in Covid Era on 18th AND 19th and 20th December2020.
  8. K.NitheshKumar, Professor attended National online conference on challenges in implementation of Competency Based Medical education ,Medical education Unit, SRM Medical College, Hospital and research centre, 6th& 7th november2020.
  9. Toxics Link Presents this Certificate of Participation to Karlapudikumar for attending the webinar series on COVID-19 Biomedical Waste Management.
  10. K.Nitheshkumar, Professor has participated Spit Free india Movement  during sep-Nov to prevent spread of Covid infection, organized by National service scheme, Alumni charitable foundation, Supported bt Tata Trust.
  11. K.NitheshKumar, Professor has participated, as adelegate in POSHANCON 2020 the first National conference on Maternal, infant and Young Child Nutrition, National working group of IAPSM,in collaboration with Alive & thrive, India on 16th AND 17th october2020.
  12. Dr NitheshkumarKarlapudi, Professor has participated in the National E-Conference COVIDCON 2020, collaboration with IAPSM state chapter, organized by the Department of Community Medicine, Saveetha Medical College and hospital, Chennai , 10th October 2020.
  13. NagapraveenVeerapu , Assoc.Professor, as been a Plenary Speaker on India’s Response to COVID-19 Disease, 2020 at Global Congress on Infectious Diseases & HIV/AIDS(Sci Tech Infectious Diseases 2020) at Palms Hotel, Mauritius, 29th and 30th April 2020.
  14. Dr.K.SujanaKesagani and Dr.Machavarapushravani (post graduates), participated as a Delegate at IAPSMCON 2020, 47th Annual National Conference of IAPSM, , Madras Medical College, Chennai, 28th - 30th January 2020.
  15. Poster Title: Health status of students residing in social welfare hostels of Khammam, Urban, Telangana.
  16. Dr.KasaganiSujana Goud and Dr.Machavarapushravani(post graduates),   participated Community Medicine online National Conference on Nutrition in Diabetes, organized by the Department of Community Medicine, Krishna institute of Medical Sciences, Karad, 27th and 28th of October 2020.
  17. Dr.K.Sujana Goud, participated as a delegate in the National webinar, Lessons learnt from emerging infectious diseases, Organized by department of Community medicine, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College,Belagavi, 19.12.2020.
  18. Poster Title: Perceptions of Obesity and weight management strategies among medical students in Khammam, Telangana.
  19. Machavarapushravani PG II year, participated as a delegate in the National webinar on Lessons learnt from emerging infectious diseases, Organized by department of Community medicine, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College,Belagavi, 19.12.2020.
  20. MachavarapuShravani, participated as Delegate in International Conference on Covid – 19, organized by department of Community Medicine 2020,Kashibai Navale Medical College and General Hospital Narhe, Pune, on 18th – 19th December 2020.
  21. M.Shravani, participated in the Post Graduate category at the 32nd State Level Annual Conference of Karnataka Association of Community, Health- KACHCON 2020, Ramaiah Medical College, Bengaluru, 21st – 23rd December 2020.

  1. P.Balaji, S. Agni Vishnu Sailesh, M. Bhaskar Rao & B. Nageshwar Rao. Diagnostic Value of Neutrophil‐ to‐Lymphocyte Ratio, Serum Interleukin‐6 and CRP in Pediatric Tonsillitis. Int. J. Trop. Med. 2025;20(1):49-53.
  2. Balaji, M. BhaskaraRao, S. Agni Vishnu Sailesh & K. Kalian Kumar. Serum Lactate, Ferritin, Albumin and Oxidative Stress Markers as Diagnostic and  Pathophysiological  Indicators in Chronic Rhino Sinusitis. Res. J. Med. Sci. 2025;19(2):141-145.
  3. Appi Reddy, K. Samatha Reddy and P. Siva Subba Rao. A Clinico‐Pathological Study of Secondary Neck Masses in Head and Neck Cancers. Res. J. Med. Sci. 2024;18(7):326-330.
  4. Pokala U, Soujanya E, Pokala N, Reddy PA, Swetha MS. Invasive Eumycotic mycetoma of the nasal septum in a post-dialysis patient: A case report. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. 2024 Jan;281(1):509-513.
  5. Narendrula Srilekha and P. Siva Subba Rao. Effect of Systemic Tranexamic Acid on Intraoperative Bleeding During Tonsillectomy. J. Med. Sci. 2024;18(7):314-316.
  6. Ashesh Reddy and P.Siva Subba Rao.Histopathological Study of  Middle  Ear  Cleft Mucosa in CSOM Cases. Res. J. Med. Sci. 2024;18(7):331-335.
  7. Bonagiri Sandeep, Tirumala Radha, Siva Subba Rao Pakanti and Md. Adil Faizan, 2024. Assessment of Eustachian Tube Function and Hearing Status in Oral Submucous Fibrosis: A Cross‐Sectional  Res. J. Med. Sci. 2024;18(7):299-303.
  8. Aalasyam N, Potnuru S, Sileveru CM, Pokala U, P N. Antimicrobial Prescription Pattern in ENT Outpatient Department in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital, Telangana, India. International Journal of Recent Surgical and Medical Sciences. 2023 Apr 4.
  9. Ramakrishna TB, Pokala U, Kanapalli S, Pokala N, Kumar U. Trends in hospitalization and mortality in COVID-19 admitted patients after a single dose of vaccine. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2023 Jul 1;14(7):15-21.
  10. Vijay Kumar Sayeli, Uma Pokala, Sriharsha Rayam. Comparison of cilnidipine and telmisartan in the management of hypertensive Patients attending a tertiary care Teaching hospital. Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research. 2023; 14 (5): 571 -575.
  11. Aalasyam Naveen, Vijaykumar Sayeli, Uma Pokala, Kamatham Praveen, Sai Sailesh Kumar Goothy. Effectiveness of 12 Weeks of Practice of Raja Yoga Meditation on Cognitive Functions in Young Adults. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. 2022;13(8):4550-4552.
  12. Umamaheswara Rao, K. Samatha Reddy, Siva Subba Rao Pakanati*, S. Chandramoul. Myringoplasty in wet and dry ears: an observational study in a tertiary care center, International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. 2021;7(8):1313-6.
  13. Agni Vishnu Sailesh, Vivek Arumugham,SivaSubba Rao Pakanati, Shilpa Potnuru. Traumatic tympanic membrane perforation: an overview in a tertiary care centre-Khammam. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. 2021;7(8):1275-8.
  14. Sneha Lekha, V. Neelima Priyadarshini, Siva Subba Rao Pakanati, K. Dilip Kumar,. Mycology of otomycosis and the role of antifungal drops versus antifungal cream in the treatment of otomycosis: an observational study. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. 2021;7(8):1343-6.
  15. Rao SU, Reddy KS, Pakanati SSR, Chandramouli S. Myringoplasty in wet and dry ears: an observational study in a tertiary care center. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. 2021;7(8):1313-6.
  16. Sailesh AV, Arumugham V, Pakanati SSR, Potnuru S. Traumatic tympanic membrane perforation: an overview in a tertiary care centre-Khammam. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. 2021;7(8):1275-1278.
  17. E. Pavan Kumar, S. Namratha, Siva Subba Rao Pakanati, Uma Pokala. Correlation of ultrasonography and fine needle aspiration cytology for diagnosis of malignancy in thyroid lesions: a study of 100 cases. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. 2021;7(8):1227-1230.

  1. S. Ashwani Siddardha, Vijay Prakash Kinikar, A. Venkata Pitchi Reddy and B. Sushma. Visual Outcomes and Prognostic Factors in Patients with Indirect Traumatic Optic Neuropathy Treated with Steroids: A Prospective Analysis. Research Journal of Medical Sciences. 28 Aug 2024;18(10):401-406.
  2. Vijay Prakash Kinikar,  S. Ashwani Siddardha,  A. Venkata Pitchi Reddy and  Sushma. Clinical    and    Demographic    Profile    of    Indirect Traumatic    Optic    Neuropathy:    A    Prospective Observational Study. International Journal of Tropical Medicine. 2024;19(4):50-54.
  3. Vijay Prakash Kinikar,  S. Ashwani Siddardha,  A. Venkata Pitchi Reddy and  Sushma. Clinical    and    Demographic    Profile    of    Indirect Traumatic    Optic    Neuropathy:    A    Prospective Observational Study. International Journal of Tropical Medicine. 2024;19(4):50-54.
  4. Athili Rama Ratnam 3rd year PG A Study of prevalence, Risk factors & clinical features of dry eye in rural population attending to ophthalmology outpatient department of Mamata General Hospital, Khammam. Fifth Annual meeting of telangana Ophthalmological society (SATAVAHANA CON 2019),Karimnagar. July 12-14,2019
  5. Abhishek Chindam 2nd year PG A Retrospective study about clinical profile of vernal keratoconjunctivitis patients at a tertiary Care Hospital in Khammam. Fifth Annual meeting of telangana Ophthalmological society (SATAVAHANA CON 2019),Karimnagar. July 12-14,2019
  6. Garicherla Bala Harshitha 3rd year PG A Study of complications of small incision cataract surgery. Fifth Annual meeting of telangana Ophthalmological society (SATAVAHANA CON 2019),Karimnagar. July 12-14,2019
  7. Dr. Ashwani Siddharth Shilveri 3rd year PG Surgically induced astigmatism in superior versus temporal sclera incision in manual small incision cataract surgery. Fifth Annual meeting of telangana Ophthalmological society (SATAVAHANA CON 2019), Karimnagar. July 12-14,2019

  1. D Ramadevi, DVC Shoban Kumar, D Hari Priya, Evaluation and comparison of Neutrophil-To-Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) as a diagnostic marker for dengue infection, European Journal of Molecular &Clinical Medicine, 2023; 10(4): 2515-8260.
  2. DVC Shoban Kumar, D Ramadevi, D Hari Priya, Nallani CH Saketh Ram. Evaluation of the prevalence of urinary tract infection during pregnancy: An Institutional study, Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research. 2023;14(6):0975 -3583,0976-2833.
  3. P.Hanumantha Rao, E.Praveen, D. Krishna Sumanth, and M. Soundara Pandian .  A Comparative  Analysis of Ultrasonography and Biochemical Markers in Hepatobiliary Dysfunction, International Journal of Tropical Medicine, 2023; 18(3): 5-9.
  4. Krishna Sumanth, E.Praveen,P.HanumanthaRao and M.Soundara Pandian.  Radiological and Biochemical Evidence  in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure: An Institutional Study,International Journal of Tropical Medicine. 2023;18(3):10-14.
  5. Hari Prasad Garudasu, Umavani Hiranmayee Kondabattini. An analytical cross-sectional assessment of the association of sensorineural hearing loss in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients, Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research. 2023;14(5):1190–1194.
  6. Hari Prasad Garudasu, Umavani Hiranmayee Kondabattini. An observational study to evaluate patient education on nasal spray technique for Allergic Rhinitis, Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research, 2023;14(5):1526-1531.
  7. Rachakonda.Srija, Rakesh C, Ghugulothu Deepthi. Evaluation Of Serum Ferritin As A Prognostic Marker In Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke, Indian Journal Of Applied Research. 2023; 13(3):2249-555X.
  8. Rachakonda.Srija, Rakesh C, Ghugulothu Deepthi,  Evaluation Of Serum Ferritin As A Prognostic Marker In Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke, Indian Journal Of Applied Research, 2023; 13(3): 2249-555X.
  9. P.Shouryarao, Venkata sivarao Javvadi, Savavenkataraman Arepalli. Assessment of Hypoxemia Detection By Pulse Oximeter In COVID 19 Associated Pneumonia, International Journal Dental and Medical Sciences Research. 2023;5(1):374-377,2582-6018.
  10. Thoomu.Pooja, Sama Rocky Vijith Kumar, Krishna Sagar Reddy Siripurapu. A Study On 100 Cases OF Ascites Etiology and Occurrence of ascites in 100 adult patients admitted with a acute medical illness, International Organization of Scientific Research. 2023;22(2):2279-0853.
  11. V.K.Katyal, Bharti, Angshuman Mukherjee, Manish Kumar, Banoth Sridhar. Case Report of Arnold – Chiari Malformation Presenting with Multiple Motor and Dynamic Sensory Symptoma, International Journal of Science and Rearch. May 2020;9(5):2319-7064.

  1. Venkataravikanth Eddula, Ashok Rao Matety, C. Sravana Deepthi, Sirshendu Chaudhuri, Vidyasagar Pappula, Clinical profile and mycological profile of dermatophytosis: A Cross-sectional study at a tertiary care hospital in southern india. Current medical issues.2024;22(4);217-221.
  2. Sreelatha, P. Shyam Sunder Rao, B. Nageshwar Rao. Syphilis on overview; the resurgence of an old foe clinical presentation, diagnostic changes, and treatment outcomes from a tertiary care center. Romanian journal of infectious disease. 2024;27(4):277-282.
  3. Sreelatha, 2P. Shyam Sunder Rao and 3B. Nageshwar Rao, Early Detection of Dengue fever on Day one using clinical criteria and NS1 antigen microelisa: A comparative study with Immunochromatography: Reseach journal pf medical scinces. 2024;18(12);151-155.
  4. P Sreelatha1, P Shyam Sunder Rao and Venkata Umakanth UK,Evidence Based on Diagnosis of a case of tetanus.Ecronicon microbiology. 2024;20(12):1-4.
  5. U.P. Lakshmi, Kotha Alekhya, Sangem Sagarika and Sadula Apoorva. Histaglobulin: An Elixir for Treatment of Chronic Urticaria. Res. J. Med. Sci. 2024;18(7):6‐9.
  6. Uma Prasanna lakshmi .Incorporating salicylic acid peel as an adjuvant in treatment of  superficial dermatophytosis : a new therapeutic approach international journal of Research in dermatology. November-December 2023;9(6):369-372.
  7. Bikkasani U.P. Lakshmi Kishanrao, Naseema Shaik, Sai Jyotsna, Lakshmi Prasanna. Comparative Clinical Study of Immunotherapy between MMR Vaccine Versus BCG Vaccine in Cutaneous Warts. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2023;15(7):742-746.
  8. Shalini. Descriptive cross-sectional assessment of the comorbidities and environmental factors associated with atopic dermatitis in children and adults in dermatology  venereology. International journal of life Sciences Biotechnology and pharma Research. April-june 2023;12(2):870-874.
  9. Shalini. A hospital based specprotive assessment of the effectiveness and safety of combination therpy using metformin and MTX in the treatment of psoriasis patients with metabolic syndrome. International journal of life Sciences biotechnology and pharma Research. April-june 2023;12(2): 875-879.
  10. Sushmalatha. Study of various papulosquamous disorders and their dermoscopy in children at a tertiary hospital,in Telangana. JAMP, June-August 2022;4(4): 111-114.
  11. Sushmalatha. Dermatological study of trichoscopy in the defferential diagnosis of alopecia in tertiary care center. EJMCM,  2022;9(6):1870-1874.
  12. Sushmalatha. Study of various papulosquamous disorders and their dermoscopy in children at a tertiary hospital,in Telangana. JAMP, June-August 2022;4(4):111-114.
  13. Sushmalatha. Dermatological study of trichoscopy in the defferential diagnosis of alopecia in tertiary care center. EJMCM,  2022;9(6):1870-1874.
  14. Deepthi Panduri and Sonika Choudary Kalyankar, attended the Certificate of Participation, MID cuticon Kerala,23rd May 2021.
  15. Kalyankar SonikaChoudary, attended the e Dermacon 2021, 49th national conference  of  IADVL, 5th to 7thFubruary 2021.

  1. K Rheea Cheriyan , Varnika Gurrapu  Ravula Purvy Manhari, S Manjula and R Sateesh Babu. Prevalence of sleep disorders among south Indian medical students. International Journal of Psychiatry Research 2024; 6(1): xx-xx
  2. MD. Adil Faizan. Impact of alcohol dependence syndrome severity on male sexual dysfunction : A CONSORT – guided cross – sectional analysis. Revised: 05-Jun-2024, Accepted : 09-Jun-2024, Published.
  3. MD.  Adil Faizan.Assessment of Eustachian Tube Function and H earing Status in Oral Submucous Fibrosisi : A Cross – Sectional Study. Doi : 10. 36478/makrjms. 2024;7:299-303.
  4. Prashanth . A Cross Sectional Study of sexual dysfunction in alcohol dependence syndrome. International Journal in Psychiatry 2024:4(1):08-11.
  5. Prashanth , Sreeja Moolamalla, Amitha Deep Chowdhary, M. Raguram And Pramod.A Cross Sectional Study of sexual dysfunction in alcohol dependence syndrome. International Journal in Psychiatry 2024:4(1):08-11.
  6. Adil Faizan, M. Raghuram, Sri Divya Reddy, Geethanjali, R. Steesh Babu. Anxiety Depression , and Quality of Life in the Postnatal Period : A Cross – Sectional Analysis in a Tertiary Care Setting in Khammam, Telangana and South India. Accepted : 10 -July- 2024, Published : 21-Sep-2024.
  7. Sana Kausar, Duddela Sara, Raghuram, Sateesh Babu, Pramod Kumar Reddy. Psychiatric Morbidity & Coping Strategies among Wives of Alcohol Dependence Syndrome. June 2024;7(1):07-12.
  8. C. Sai Anurag, Duddela Sara, Raghuram, Sateesh Babu, Pramod Kumar Reddy. Empathy Among Medical Students. RFP Ind Jr of Med Psy. 2023;6(2):45–49.
  9. Abdul Rahman Baothman, Prashanth Challuri, Gattavali Ramana, Raghuram Macharapu, Pramod Kumar Reddy Mallepalli, A Study of assement of depression, anxiety, and stress among coronavirus disease 2019 patients at tertiary hospital. Telangana. J Psychiatry.2022;8:14-9.
  10. Bhavesh kumar jayantial Dhedhi, ramana Gattavalli, Gyan nihal Nadukuru, Raghuram Macharapu, Pramod Kumar Reddy Mallepalli, A Level of empathy and spirituality among undergraduate medical students of a tertiary hospital in Telangana:  A cross-sectional study. A cross-sectional sudy. Telangana J Psychiatry, 2022;8:46-52.
  11. Mohammad Sohel, Kavya sri Konneru,Pramod Kumar Reddy M/Unremitting Schizophrenia: A Study of functioning of a Family and social Support at Tertiary Centres, Telangana/REP Indian journal of Medical Psychiatry. 2022;5(2):59-64.
  12. Sridhar Reddy N, Koneru kavya sri, Pramod Kumar Reddy Mallepally A Study on effects of Drug addiction on Families in Telangana/REP Indian journal of Medical Psychiatry. 2022;5(2): 103-110.
  13. Bangaru Sudheer, Koneru kavya sri, Pramod Kumar Reddy M/Depression and Anxiety Prevalence, Quality of Life and its Consideration among Psoriasispatients:; A Cross-Sectional Study/ REP Indian journal of Medical Psychiatry. 2022;5(2):67-73.
  14. Md Adhil Faizan, Koneru kavya sri, Pramod Kumar Reddy Mallepally/A Study on the Problematic Internet use  (PICU) in Telangana Undergraduate Medical Students/ REP Indian journal of Medical Psychiatry. 2022;5(2):41-49.
  15. Vineela, Koneru kavya sri, Pramod Kumar Reddy Mallepally/ Choosing Psychiatry as A Speciality-Attitude of Medical Students/ REP Indian journal of Medical Psychiatry. 2022;5(2):75-81.
  16. Keeravani, , Koneru kavya sri, Pramod Kumar Reddy Mallepally/The severity of Domestic Violence and Its links to coping skills and Medication Compliance in Women With Mental ILLnesses in Telangana/ REP Indian journal of Medical Psychiatry. 2022;5(2):97-102.
  17. R. Vivek Kumar and K. S. Charishmaattended the 16th Annual National Conference of Indian Association of Biological Psychiatry 6th& 7th Feb 2021.
  18. R. Vivek Kumar, K. S. Charishma, Abdul Rahman and Bhavesh Dhedhi, attended the Cyber & Workspace security for Women, Workshop conducted by IPS – South Zone Branch, 07-03.
  19. R. Vivek Kumar and K. S. Charishma attended the 6th Annual CME Programme of Indian Psychiatric Society, Telangana State branch, 11th April 2021.
  20. K. S. Charishma, attended the Child Psychiatry ,Adhd Attended, Online CME, 19th June 2021.
  21. Bhavesh Dhedhi, attended the 33 ECNP Congress Educational Highlights,Virtual Session, India 2021, 15th May 2021.

  1. Varsha Kota ,Mani kumar, Niaz Farhat. BODE index in COPD patients and its correlation with GOLDseverity staging in predicting severity in stable COPD patients. International Journal Dental and Medical Sciences  Research Volume, Jan-Feb 2023;5(1):716-721.
  2. Priyanka, Niharika, NiazFarhat. Study Of Spirometric Evaluation In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients, IJOAR, March-2023;(12)03.
  3. K.M.Dhanamurthy, Niaz Farhat,  Fayaz Shaik, Karnala Sahithi.  Multifactorial Evaluation of Pulmonary Hypertension in Patients with Chronic kidney Disease:An Institutional Study, Res.J.Med.Sci,  Dec-2023;17:336-340.
  4. K.M.Dhanamurthy, Niaz Farhat, Karnala Sahithi,  Fayaz Shaik. Assessment of Clinical and Biochemical Associations Obstructive Sleep Apnea: An Institutional Experience, Res.J.Med.Sci,Dec-2023;17:341-345.
  5. Krishna Chaitanya K,  Karuna Reddy A,SravanthiP,Nithin josephB,  Sathya Prasad A. Study of  role of  CBNAAT in Bronchial Washings of Patients with  Presumptive Pulmonary Tuberculosis with negative Sputum Smear. EC Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine  10.9 (2021): 01-07.

  1. Prathyusha yellamelli, Pavan Todeti, Alla Bharath kumar, Chippalapally Rambabu. Patterns and Predictors of childhood obesity: Insights from A longitudinal Community- Based Study. International journal of Academic Medicine and Pharmacy. 2024;6(1);276-281.
  2. Sanjivani Deepak Maslekar,  Maddiboina Hemanth Kumar and  G. Somaiah. Validation of foot Length in Prediction of Gestational Maturity and Birth Weight in Neonates. International Journal of Tropical Medicine. 2024;19(4): 55‐
  3. Brahma Kumar , Punuru Sindhu2 , G. Ravi Chandra, Bhaskar Reddy D. Early-Onset Neonatal Sepsis: Trends Risk Factors, and Cutaneous Manifestations in an Urban Hospital Setting Europen Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine. 2024;14(5):672-679.
  4. Sanjivani Deepak Maslekar,  Shaik Sana Thabassum and  G. Somaiah. Study of Psychological and Behavioral Outcomes in Children Admitted in PICU. Research Journal of Medical Sciences. 2024;18(10):475‐481.
  5. M.A.M.Siddiq.  Prevalence of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Nasal Carrier State among Pediatric Patients and Para – Medical Staff in Tertiary Care Hospital Research Journal of Medical Sciences.  2023;17(10):106-110.
  6. Bhaskar Reddy Dodda. Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Infection in Children Under Five Years of Age: Anemia as a Risk Factor: Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science. 2023;11(1):156-160.
  7. GajananVenkatrao Surewad, Bhaskar Reddy Dodda, Radha Parisa, Sahithi Chandarlapati. Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Infection in Children Under Five Years of Age: Anemia as a Risk Factor. Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research. 2023;14( 07):2358-2363.
  8. Shivaramakrishna Babji, jay Jayasheel, Barathy Chandrasegaran, Vellanki Bramha Kumar. Evaluation of Modified Extended Sick Neonate Score to Predict In‑Hospital Mortality among Newborns Admitted to Resource‑Poor Settings in Rural. India.Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Received 19 August 2021 / Accepted: 28 January 2022.
  9. N.Shivaramakrishna Babji, Chandrasegaran B, Siva P, Devi Kittu.  Vaccine Hesitancy in Measles-Rubella Campaign in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Portuguese Journal  Pediatric, 2022;53:376-82.
  10. Shivaramakrishna Babji, C Rakesh. Adherence to Home Treatment Guidelines among Pediatric Home Treated COVID-19 Patients in Puducherry. Indian Paediatric, February 15 2022;59.
  11. Shivaramakrishna Babji , Ch Rajesh. Validation of modified sick neonatal score, a simple clinical score for assessment of severity of illness and outcome in new-borns for resource poor settings. Indian Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 2022 Jan;9(1):53-57.
  12. Sri Vaishnavi M, Mohammed Ashraf Mohiddin Siddiq, G. Somaiah, N. Shivaramakrishna Babji.  Rediscovering child‑to‑child programme_A case study and brief discussion. Journal of Clinical Scientific Research, 2022;11:268-70.
  13. NNF State Chapter Telangana In association with IAP khammam Branch, Advanced NRP Workshop, Mamata General Hospital, khammam, 11th April 2021.
  14. Cheruku Rajesh, National Neonatology forum Neonatal resuscitation programme, advanced NRP course, Khammam, 11th April 2021.
  15. CherukuRajesh, Indian Academy of pediatrics, Twin Cities Branch, Pediatric Academy of Telangana State & IAP-Infectious Disease Chapter VACCINDICON-2021 Apollo institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, 3rd  &4th April 2021.
  16. Cheruku Rajesh, CIAP PEDICON 2021 of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Maharashtra Medical Council, Mumbai,  4th to 7th February,2021.
  17. Dr. Cheruku Rajesh, attended the Indian radiological &Imaging Association, Telangana State Chapter , Radiology  CME, Mamata Medical College, Khammam, 30th & 31st  January 2021.
  18. Cheruku Rajesh, attended thePediatric Derma Module, Continuing Medical Education certificate, Indian Academy of Pediatrics Chennai City Branch, 24 jan 2021.
  19. Vijayendra babu, National Neonatology forum Neonatal resuscitation programme advanced NRP course, Khammam, 11th April 2021.
  20. VamsiKrishna.G, Indian radiological &Imaging Association, Telangana State Chapter , Radiology CME, Mamata Medical College, Khammam, 30th & 31st  January 2021.
  21. V.Brahma Kumar, Indian radiological &Imaging Association, Telangana State Chapter , Radiology CME, Mamata Medical College, Khammam,30th & 31st  January 2021.
  22. Haritha. M, Indian radiological &Imaging Association, Telangana State Chapter , Radiology CME, Mamata Medical College, Khammam, 30th & 31st  January 2021.
  23. Haritha .M, Ts PEDICON-2020 Child Health,telangana state Medical council has awarded accreditation of credit 4 hours, 9th and 10th January 2021.
  24. M.S.Srivaishnavi, Indian radiological &Imaging Association, Telangana State Chapter , Radiology CME Conducted, Mamata Medical College, Khammam, on 30th & 31st  January 2021.

  1. K Anand Goud. Assessment Of Neutrophil - Lymphocyte Ratio, Serum Bilirubin Levels And Beside Index Of Severity In Predicting Actue Pancreatitis Severity. International Journal of Tropical Medicine. 2024;19(2):7-11.
  2. K Anand Goud. Assessment Of Peritoneal Fluid Culture And Antibiotic Sensitivity In Patients with Perforative Peritonitis.  International Journal of Tropical Medicine. 2024;18(3):275-278.
  3. Pravalika F, Reddy MR, Prakash AB. Comparison between FNAC and TRU cut biopsy in patients with breast lump. International Journal of Surgery Science. 2024;8(1):07-13.
  4. Reddy SSSP, Prashanth YV, Stallin K. A comparative study of RIPASA score and modified Alvarado score in diagnosis of acute appendicitis. International Journal of Surgery Science. 2024;8(2):26-32.
  5. Christina BSS, Kamepalli S, Reddy MV. Validation of modified LRINEC scoring system in the early diagnosis of necrotizing fasciitis in patients with soft tissue infections. International Journal of Surgery Science. 2024;8(1):95-103.
  6. Inamdar P, Inamdar DP, Hota PK, Avinash Y, Fothedar P, Basavaraju A, et al. Perception and role of indirect and post-discharge surveillance in predicting surgical site infection in surgical patients: An institutional experience. Journal of The West African College of Surgeons. 2024;0(0): XXXX-XXX.
  7. Harish Babu Ravoori, Chinnnal Hyndavi, Pradeep Kumar Vunnam, A Comparative Study between Wagner's Classification and new wound Based Diabetic Foot Ulcer Severity Score. Int Surg J. 2023 Mar;10(3):443-449.
  8. Prasan Kumar Hota, Mahammad Fareedh, Praneet Murthika, Clinico-Pathological Features and Surgical Management of Multinodular Goitre. Int Surg J. 2023 Apr; 10(4):631-636.
  9. Hare Ram Singh, C Raghuram Chowdary, M Rajavardhan Reddy, Comparative Study Between Skin Suture Versus Skin Stapler In Abdominal Surgery, Int Surg J. 2023 Apr;10(4):586-592.
  10. Sanghamithra Gourraj, Sree Mounika Shastri, Bhanu Prakash  Anantha, Comparative Study on outcome of Surgical Management of Varicose Veins with and wothout great Saphenous Vein Stripping, Int Surg J. 2023  Apr;10(4):620-624.
  11. Gardas Akshitha, Morthala Venkata Reddy, Anusha Ananthula,Effectiveness of Laparoscopic Appendectomy over open Appendectomy in A tertiary care centre:A Retrospective study, Int Surg J. 2023 Apr; 10(4): 614-619.
  12. Roja Rani, Laxmikanth Gurram, Sai Krishna Konatham, The impact of elective diagnostic laparoscopy in diagnosing chronic abdominal pain, Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research . 2023; 14(9):1548-1552.
  13. Abhishek T, Laxmikanth Gurram, Sai Krishna Konatham, Efficacy of honey dressing in chronic wounds with biofilm, Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research.2023;14(9):1557-1562.
  14. Divya R, Poornima O. Rao GSS. A prospective comparative study between laparoscopic and open cholecystectomy-Our experience. International Journal of Surgery Science. 2023; 7(4):91-96.
  15. Ramaswami B, Natarajkumar, Rakesh Shaganti. Incident of Gall Stone in Different Gender and Sex. ejmcm, 2022;9(4):331-335.
  16. Ramaswami B, Nataraj Kumar, Rakesh Shaganti, A.Anusha. Comparative study of serum cholesterol, bilirubin, calcium and phosphorous in different types of gallstones, age and sex. ijhcr, 2022;5(3):548-552.
  17. Nataraj Kumar, Ramaswami B, Priyanka. A Comparative Study Between Scalpel and Cutting Diathermy for skin incisions. ejmcm, 2022;9(4):1119-1134.
  18. Lenina Goda, Padmanabh Inamdar, Prasan Kumar Hota, Palepu Venkat Lalu. A prospective randomised study of conservative versus surgical management of appendicular mass. I J S M, (2022) 8(2):31-37.
  19. Sushma, J. Pavan Kumar, M. L. Bhargavi, A study to evaluate post operative drop in serum albumin level as marker for surgical stress and predictor for clinical outcome in Laparotomy patients, International Surgery Journal Sushma P et al. Int Surg J. 2022 Dec; 9(12): xxx-xxx.

  1. Rajesh Kolipaka, G. Raviteja, Cheekati Lalki Sai Kumar,Takkallapalli Dushyanth Rao. Prospective Study on the Surgical Management of Clavicle  Fractures  With  Pre‐Contoured  Locking Compression Plate. Int. J. Trop. Med. 2024;19(3):52‐57.
  2. Chava Sarath Sai, Cheekati Lalki Sai Kumar, G. Raviteja and Takkallapalli Dushyanth Rao. Study  of  Surgical  Management  of  Distal  Femur Fractur Eusing Locking Compression Plate. Res. J. Med. Sci. 2024;18(7):346‐351.
  3. G. Raviteja , Cheekati Lalki Sai Kumar, Tammali Santhosh Kumar, Takkallapalli Dushyanthrao , Mohammed Abdul Bari. Comparative Study Of Management Of Low Back Ache With Lumbar Epidural Block, Caudal Block, Facetal Block. Journal of Population Therapeutics & Clinical Pharmacology. 2024;31(7):411-418.
  4. Mohammed Abdul Bari1, Mohammed Hassan Rafeeq, Bandela Venugopal, Mohammed Irfan Nagnur. Functional and Radiological Outcome by Various Modalities of Surgical Fixation of Proximal Humerus Fracture. Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research. June 2023;14:1122-1129.
  5. Mohammed Abdul Bari1, Mohammed Akram, Bandela Venugopal3, Mohammed Irfan Nagnur. Study of Evaluation of Functional Outcome of Compound Fractures of Tibia Treated Surgically by Unreamed Interlocking Nail in Adult Patients. European Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine. June 2023; (13)2:1502-1521.
  6. Vishwanath Mahadevuni, V.R. Sujit Kumar, Venkata Vinay Atluri, Deepthi Sabavath. Negative pressure wound therapy (npwt): our experience using Hospitalwall suction. Indian journal of applied research, September - 2022;12(09):35-38.
  7. Mise Priyanka, Rajesh Kolipaka, S Srikanth, Bharath sankineni and Chava Sarath Sai. A study on surgical outcome of camptodactyly based on the age of presentation. National Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics 2022;6(4):28-31.
  8. B Venugopal, Sanjeev N Chincholi and B Srinivas Rao. A study on occurrence of fracture of both bones of forearm in Indian adult population. International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences; 2022,8(1):205-207.
  9.  Sujitkumar Vakati R, Viswanath M, Gopisetty Chaitanya Kishore, K Sreekalyani, Nayan Raj Puvvada and Anirudh Reddy B. Clinical study of surgical management of paediatric diaphyseal fractures of femur by Titanium Elastic Nailing System (TENS). International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences, 2022;8(1):46-54.
  10. Sahetya Mohan Rao, Dr. Sujitkumar Vakati R, Dr. K Sreekalyani, Dr.Gopisetty Chaitanya Kishore, Dr. Viswanath M and Dr. K Dheeraj Reddy. A study on occurrence of paediatric diaphyseal fractures of femur in Indian population. International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences, 2022;8(1):29-32.

  1. Janakiramulu E, Kiran Kumar Suggala.Comparative Study Of Transverse Abdominis Plane Block (TAP) With 5% Bupivacaine And 0.75% Ropivacaine In The Duration Of Post-Operative Analgesia In Lower Abdominal Surgerie. International Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Clinical Research. 2024;16(5);832-837.
  2. Gundala Dhatri, Suggala Kiran Kumar. A Prospective Study of Perioperative Cardiopulmonary Complications inigarette Smokers Undergoing Major Surgery under General Anaesthesia. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2024;16(7);1242-1246
  3. Motukuri Suma, Kiran Kumar Suggala, Mullangi Himbindu. A Preemptive Incision Infiltration with 0.5% Ropivacaine in Patient un-dergoing Lumbar Laminectomy, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2024;16(8);859-862.
  4. Koppula Surya Mitra, Kiran Kumar Suggala. A study to evaluate the efficacy of preemptive intravenous paracetamol on reducing postoperative opioid requirement in laparoscopic cholecystectomy, Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research. 2024;15(07):2784-2789.
  5. Vamshi Krishna Maskapuri, Kiran Kumar Suggala. A randomized double-blind prospective study of comparison between exmedetomidine and fentanyl during awake fiberopticbronchoscopic intubation May 2024;22(3):286-291.
  6. Reddi Sruthi, Kiran Kumar Suggala. Intracuff Installation of Lignocaine Vs Normal Saline in Prevention of Post-Operative Sore throat in Patients undergoing Surgeries in General Anesthesia with Endotracheal Tube International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2024;16(8):926-931.
  7. Boddu Uma, Dr. Kiran Kumar Suggala, T.Anusha. A Randomised Double Blind Prospective Study of Comparison of Midazolam, Propofol and Dexmeditomidine Infusion for Sedation in Mechanically Ventilated Patients in ICU. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2024;16(8);932-936.
  8. Gouravelly Lakshmi, Kiran Kumar Suggala, Mullangi Himabindu. Study of Attenuation of Hemodynamic Response to Endotraceal Intubation with the Use of Intravenous Labetalol, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2024;16(8);496-502.
  9. Suresh and Srinivasa Rao Janapati. Efficacy  of  Non‐Opioid  Analgesic  Techniques  in Cardiac Surgery: An Observational Study. International Journal of Tropical Medicine. 2024;19(1):103‐108.
  10. Suresh and, Srinivasa Rao Janapati -The Impact of Anaesthetic Choice on Postoperative    Outcomes in Cardiac Surgery Patients: An Institutional Analysis, International Journal of Tropical Medicine. 2024;19(1):109‐115.
  11. J. Suresh, Kiran Kumar Suggala. A Hospital-Based Study Determining The Incidence And Associated Risk Factors Of Postoperative Sore Throat Following General Anesthesia With Endotracheal Intubation. Original Research Article, Journal Of Cardiovascular Disease Research. June  2023;9(5):1- 5.
  12. Suresh, Dr. Kiran Kumar Suggala. An Observational Study Assessing The Prevalence Of Headaches And Back Pain After Regional Anesthesia Compared To General Anesthesia. Original Research Article, Journal Of Cardiovascular Disease Research. June 2023;9(5):1-5.
  13. Mahesh Vinukonda, Kanthala Santhosh Kumar, Kiran Kumar Suggala. Comparative randomized study of usg guided transversus abdominis plane block versus usg guided caudal block for post-operative analgesia in paediatric unilateral open inguinal hernia repair. European journal of molecular & clinicalmedicine, 2022 September;9(4): 3909-3918.
  14. T Anusha, Yalala Shamili, Kiran Kumar Suggala. A comparative study of spinal anesthesia with hyperbaric ropivacaine plus dexmedetomidine and hyperbaric bupivacaine plus dexmedetomidine in lower abdominal and lower limb surgeries. European journal of molecular & clinicalmedicine, 2022 September;9(4):3856-3865.
  15. Mulumudi Yashaswee, P Kousalya, Suresh Janapati, Kiran Kumar Suggala. Comparison between the effects of femoral 3-in-1 nerve block versus obturator nerve block added to the femoral 3-in-1 nerve block for postoperative analgesia after total knee replacement surgeries. European journal of molecular & clinicalmedicine, 2022 September;9(4):3848 -3855.
  16. Jahnavi, Satyajith, Kiran Kumar Suggala. A comparative study of intrathecal hyperbaric ropivacaine with varying doses of buprenorphine for postoperative analgesia after cesarean section. European journal of molecular & clinicalmedicine, 2022 September;9(4): 3834 - 3839.
  17. Kolli Naga Nishanth Chowdary, G Shirisha, Kiran Kumar Suggala. A prospective randomized trial on alkalinized lignocaine preloaded endotracheal tube cuffs to reduce emergence cough following brief surgery. European journal of molecular & clinicalmedicine, 2022 September;9(6):1053 - 1058.
  18. Karnakar.V, K.Yugandhar, Suresh janapati, Kiran Kumar Suggala. A comparative study of 0.25% bupivacaine and 0.25% bupivacaine with fentanyl for caudal epidural anaesthesia and analgesia in children undergoing lower abdominal surgery. European journal of molecular & clinicalmedicine, 2022 September;9(5): 126-131.
  19. B.Vani Prapurna, V.Sudharani, Kiran Kumar Suggala. A comparative study of dexmedetomidine and dexamethasone as adjuvants to ropivacaine in supraclavicular brachial plexus block. European journal of molecular & clinicalmedicine, 2022 September;9(5):54-60.
  20. Pothala Aishwarya Roy, Janapati Suresh2, Kiran Kumar Suggala. A comparative study between dexmedetomidine premedication as an adjuvant to fentanyl and fentanyl alone in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgeries under general anaesthesia. European journal of molecular &clinicalmedicine, 2022 August;9(5):01 - 07.
  21. Nazma Jabeen, Yugandhar K, Kiran Kumar Suggala. Intraperitoneal instillation of ropivacaine 0.375% with dexmedetomidine vs ropivacaine 0.375% with clonidine for postoperative analgesia in laproscopic cholecystectomy. A comparative study. Indian journal of anaesthesia and analgesia, 2022 April; 9(2): 75 - 79.
  22. Bindu Kapu, Yugandhar K, Kiran Kumar Suggala. Segmental thorasis spinal for modified radical mastectomy in carcinoma of breast. Indian journal of anaesthesia and analgesia, 2022 March – April;9(2): 93 - 94.
  23. Anusha, Kiran Kumar Suggala, T. Tejaswi. A comparative study between 0.2% ropivacaine with dexmedetomidine and 0.125% levobupivacaine with dexmedetomidine for post-operative epidural analgesia in patients undergoing total abdominal hysterectomy. European journal of molecular & clinical medicine, February 2022;9(1):701 - 710.
  24. Suresh Janapati, Kiran Kumar Suggala, Dasari Samyuktha. Comparison of IV dexmedetomidine & propofol versus IV dexmedetomidine & ketamine for daycare urological procedures: A randomized controlled study. European journal of molecular &clinicalmedicine, February 2022;9(1):964 - 972.
  25. Kiran Kumar S, M Himabindu, Yugandhar K. Efficacy of intravenous nitroglycerine in attenuation of hemodynamic response to tracheal extubation. Original research article. Medpulse International journal of anaesthesiology, 2022 Feb;21(3):153 - 156.
  26. Siribhavani, Kiran Kumar Suggala, Degutla Karthik Chary. Comparison of intravenous esmolol and oral clonidine for attenuation of stress response to laryngoscopy and intubation in patients undergoing surgery under general anaesthesia A randomized clinical study. Original research article,. International journal of health and clinical research, 2022 Feb;5(3):201 - 208.
  27. Kiran Kumar S, Sangeetha S, Nagrale M M. A comparative study on efficacy of two differentdoses of clonidine added to hyperbaricbupivacaine in spinal anaesthesia in subumbilical surgeries. Medplus international journal of anaesthesiology. April 2021; 18(1):36 - 40.
  28. Kiran Kumar S, Vaishnavi VNV, Yugandhar K. A wake retrograde submental intubation in a patient with pleomorphic adenoma of palate. Indian journal of anaesthesia and analgesia. 2021April; 8(2):269 - 271.
  29. Yugandhar k, Shirisha G. Comparative effects of esmolol and airway blocks in attenuating the hemodynamic response to laryngoscopy and intubation. International journal of medical anaesthesiology. 2021 August; 4(2): 91 - 95.
  30. Kiran Kumar S, Vaishnavi VNV, Yugandhar K. A wake retrograde submental intubation in a patient with pleomorphic adenoma of palate. Indian journal of anaesthesia and analgesia. 2021 April; 8(2):269 - 271.
  31. Suresh Janapati, Anusha T, Manda hiresh nagraleAssessment of intraperitoneal instillation of levobupivacaine plus dexmedetomidine versus ropivacaine plus dexmedetomidine for postoperative analgesia in patient undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy : A comparative Study. International Journal of Medical Anaesthesiology. 2021 April; 4(2):88 – 90.
  32. Anusha T. A comparative study between intrathecal isobaric ropivacaine 0.75% (15 mg) plus dexmedetmidine (10 mcg) and isobaric ropivacaine 0.75% (15 mg) pius clonidine (30 mcg) for elective lower abdominal and lower limb surgeries. International journal of medical anaesthesiology. 2021 Jan; 4(1): 185 - 188.
  33. Suresh Janapati, Anusha T, Manda hiresh nagraleAssessment of intraperitoneal instillation of levobupivacaine plus dexmedetomidine versus ropivacaine plus dexmedetomidine for postoperative analgesia in patient undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy : A comparative Study. International Journal of Medical Anaesthesiology.  2021 Apri; 4(2):88 - 90.
  34. SiribhavaniKotra,Comparison of a “rule of threes” algorithm versus continuous infusion of oxytocin during elective caesarean delivery: a randomized clinical study. Medplus international journal of anaesthesiology, Original research article. 2021 June; 18(3): 106 - 109.
  35. Yugandhar k, Shirisha G. Comparative effects of esmolol and airway blocks in attenuating the hemodynamic response to laryngoscopy and intubation. International journal of medical anaesthesiology. 2021 August; 4(2): 91 - 95.
  36. Kiran Kumar S, KishanRao B, Nagrale M H. Comparison of dexmedetomidine, with clonide based anaesthesia for controlled hypotension in functional endoscopic sinus surgery. J. evid. based med. healthc. 2020April; 7 (15): 782 - 786.
  37. Yugandhar KRandomized controlled trial of fentanyl and tramadol as adjuvants to lignocaine for intravenous regional anesthesia for upper limb surgery. International journal of medical anaesthesiology. 2020 Dec; 4(1): 01 - 05.

  1. Vijaya Lakshmi Ailuru, Bathineni Haritha, Dwara Manojna Devi, Vamsedhar Reddy Chapparapu, Role of MRI in Evaluating Gynecological Pathology, MAK HILL Research Journal of Medical Sciences. 2024;18(11):375-380.
  2. T. Narasinga Reddy. Assessing ability of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE–MRI), and Diffusion-weighted image (DWI) to describe uncertain ovarian masses, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2023;10(04):925-930.
  3. T. Narasinga Reddy. An observational study to predict neonatal respiratory distress by evaluating the colour doppler of the foetal pulmonary artery, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2023;10(04):931-936.
  4. T. Narasinga Reddy. An analytical comparative evaluation of ultrashort TE lung MRI and HRCT lungs for detection of pulmonary nodules in oncology patients, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2023;10(03):1589-1594.
  5. T. Narasinga Reddy. A study to determine how accurately various measures of the PA, as viewed on HRCT, predict right heart catheterisation (RHC)-confirmed pulmonary hypertension, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2023;10(03):1595-1601.

  1. Rebala Harshini, M Naimisha, Lokam Geetha. Evaluation Of Fetal Kidney Length Measurement In Estimation Of Gestational Age In Second Half Of Pregnancy. Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research. 2024;15(1):1430-1438.
  2. Naimisha, Rebala Harshini, L Geetha. Evaluation Of Fetal Kidney Length Measurement In Estimation Of Gestational Age  In Second Half Of Pregnancy. Journal of cardiovascular disease research. 2024; 15(01): 0976-2833.
  3. Basanta Manjari Hota, Kavitha Bakshi, Geetha Lokam, Naimisha Movva. Clinicopathological Analysis Of Postmenopausal Bleeding And Endometrium. Folia Medica Indonesiana. 2024;60(1):1-7.
  4. Manjari BH,Naimisha.m, Kavitha.B, Sneha.G. Glanzmann Thrombasthenia as a rare case of menorrhagia, a case report with review of Online J of Gynecology, Obstetrics and maternity care. 11th November 2024;6(1):1-3.
  5. Basanta Manjari hota, N.S. Sai Aanusha, G Sneha. De novo late postpartum preeclampsia: a case report with review of literature. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. May 2024;13(5):1319-1321.
  6. Vijayasree. Role Of Imaging In Early Pregnancy And Maternal Outcome. International Journal Of Advanced Research In Gynecology And Obstetrics.  2024;2(1):05-10.
  7. M.Vijayasree. Asymptomatic Bacteruria In Pregnancy Universal Screening:The Need Of The Hour.International Journal Of Contraception,Gynaecology And Obstetrics2023;5(1):24-27.
  8. M.Vijayasree. A Study Of The Effectiveness Of Levonorgestrel Intra Uterine System In The Management Of Aub.International Journal Of Advanced Research In ,Gynaecology And Obstetrics2023;1(1):1-6.
  9. M.Vijayasree. Study Of Color Doppler Velocimetry Abnormalities In Term Low Risk Pregnancies With Borderline Afi.International Journal Of  Obstetrics Andgynaecology 2023;5(1):1-4.
  10. M.Vijayasree::A Comparative Study Of Ee And Dienogest With Ee And Levonorgestrel In The Management Of Spasmodic Dysmenorrhoea In Late Adolescents.International Journal Of  Advanced Research In Gynaecology And Obstetrics2023;1(2):1-6.
  11. Vijaya Sree. Analysis Of Caesarean Sectionwith The Roboson’s Ten Groupclassification System .Int J Reprod Contraception Obstet Gynecol. 2023 Apr;12(4):1083-1087.
  12. Vijaya Sree. Revisiting Indication For Hysterectomyaccording To Palm-Coein Classification And Its Correlation With Histopathological Examination Reports . Int J Reprod Contraception Obstet Gynecol. 2023 Jul;12(7):2145-2150.
  13. Vijaya Sree. Theperceptionoftelemedicineas A Consultation Method By Antenatal Women In A Covid 19 Pandemic J Evolution Med Dent Sci. 2023;12(07):208-213.
  14. Basanta Manjari Hota , Kavitha B,Naimisha M,Swathi P. Benign multicystic mesothelioma with overian endometriosis:a rare case report with review of literature. Internation Journal Of  Reporduction , Contraception, Obstetrics and Gyneocology, 2022;11:3209-11.
  15. Basanta Manjari Hota, Anush G, Md Fareedh. Nicolau Syndrome Following Intramuscular Diclofenac Sodium Injection : A Rare Case Report. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), July 2022;11(7).
  16. K Madhuri, Naimisha Movva. Prevalence of maternal thrombocytopenia and anaemia in pregnant woman - An institutional experience. MedPulse International Journal of Gynaecology. February 2022; 21(2): 43-46.
  17. Basanta Manjari Hota , Kavitha B,Naimisha M,Swathi P. Benign multicystic mesothelioma with overian endometriosis:a rare case report with review of literature. Internation Journal Of  Reporduction , Contraception, Obstetrics and Gyneocology, 2022;11:3209-11.
  18. K Madhuri, Naimisha Movva, Koratala Anoop. Prevalence of maternal thrombocytopenia and anaemia in pregnant woman - An institutional experience. MedPulse International Journal of Gynaecology. March 2022;21(3): 47-50.
  19. Geetha Lokam & M.Vijaya Sree. Evaluation and comparison of common biochemical markers in Premenopausal and Postmenopausal Women form khammam district. Sch.Int J Obstet Gyec. 11 October 2021;4(10):396-399.
  20. Geetha Lokam & B.Kavitha. Essessment of haematological and biochemical parameters at different pubertal stages among boys from khammam district. Sch Int J Obstet Gyec.Oct 2021;4(10):N/A.
  21. Naimisha Movva & Mukka Kavya (2021) Ovarian cysts in Post Hysterectomy Cases – An Overview, Sch Int. J obstet Gynec, 2021 May 7;4(5):182-186.
  22. Geetha Lokam and M.Vijaya Sree. Evaluation and comparison of common biochemical markers in Premenopausal and Postmenopausal Women form khammam district. Sch Int J Obstet Gyec. 2021 Oct 23:4(10):396-399.
  23. Geetha Lokam & B.Kavitha. Essessment of haematological and biochemical parameters at different pubertal stages among boys from khammam district, Sch Int J Obstet Gyec. 2021 Oct 23;4(10):N/A.
  24. Arthi Sharma, Deepika Kesaraju, Rohili Kumar Sharma, Sudha Chaurasia. Current trends in family planning methods at tertiary care centre of central India –A retrospective study.  International journal of Health and Clinical research. 2021; 4(16):30-32.
  25. Naimisha Movva & Mukka Kavya. Ovarian cysts in Post Hysterectomy Cases – An Overview. Sch Int. J obstet Gynec. 2021 May 7:4(5):182-186.
  26. Ginjupalli A, Suyajna JD, Joshi NS, Patil. Minimally Invasive procedure for repair of uterine isthmocele. A rare cause of infertility: a case report. Int J Reprod Cotracept oObstet Gynecol. 2021 June;10(6):1-3.
  27. Ginjupalli A, Anuradha SN, Joshi SD. Prophylactic use of tranexamic acid for reducing postpartum hemorrhage in vaginal delivery. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2021 April;10(4):1-6.

  1. Jagadeeswar Addepalli, J.Sasikumar, Y. Anil Reddy, CH,. Vamseedhar Reddy, and P. Reshma, Unveiling Penile Fractures: Retrospective Analysis from a Tertiary Care Center MAK HILL, Research Journal of Medical Sciences, 31st July 2024;18(8);525-528.
  2. Reshma, J. Sasikumar, Y. anil Reddy, CH. Vamseedhar Reddy, A. Jagadeeswar and S. Sagar, Holmium: Yag Versus Thulium Fiber Laser Lithotripsy in Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery for Renal Calculi: A Single Centre Comparative Study, MAK HILL MAK HILL, Research Journal of Medical Sciences, 23rd June 2024;18(7);454-458.
  3. Janardhan Goud, J. Sasi Kumar, Y. Anil Reddy, CH.Vamsheedhar Reddy, A. Jagadeeswar, P. Reshma and M. SaiKumar Reddy , Endoscopic Management of Ureterocele in Adults: A Retrospective Cohort study from a Tertiary Hospital , MAK HILL Research Journal of Medical Sciences, 23 July, 2024;18(7);291-295.
  4. Saikumar Reddy, J. Sasikumar, CH. Vamseedhar Reddy, Y. Anil Reddy  and G. Janardhan, Optimizing Flexible Ureteroscopic Surgery for Renal Stones Using Bendable Access Sheath and suction: An Institutional Experience MAK HILL, Research Journal of Medical Sciences 17 oct.2024;18(11);195-200.
  5. Sasikumar,Yeruva Anil reddy, N. Ramamurthy , Sagar Soitkar. CH.Vamseedhar Reddy , Rahul Sharma, Nishanth Mydam, Jagadishwar. A. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in Supine and Prone Positions: A Prospective Interventional Study from Telangana, India, IJARS, 2023; 12(5): SO21-SO24.
  6. Yeruva Anil reddy, J. Sasikumar, CH.Vamseedhar Reddy, and Sagar  Soitkar. A Comparative Analysis of the Demographics in the Treatment of Ureteral stones: Ho: YAG Laser Lithoripsy versus Pneumatic Lithoripsy, International Journal of Tropical Medicine, October 2023;18(3):21-24.
  7. Srinivas Banoth, Yeruva Anil Reddy, Sharma Rahul Mataprasad, N Rama Murthy, J. Sasi Kumar, Nishanth Kumar Mydam, Sagar Soitkar, Vamseedhar Reddy. IPSS Score (International Prostate Symptom Score) - A Tool to Evaluate Effectiveness of TURP (Transurethral Resection of Prostate) In BPH Patients, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 2022;09(07):777-782.
  8. Sasikumar,Yeruva Anil reddy, N. Ramamurthy , Sagar Soitkar. CH.Vamseedhar Reddy , Rahul Sharma, Nishanth Mydam, Jagadishwar. A. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in Supine and Prone Positions: A Prospective Interventional Study from Telangana, India, IJARS, 2023; 12(5): SO21-SO24.
  9. N. Rama Murthy, Sri Balram A, Y. Anil Reddy, B. Swapnil, P. Rahul Tej, B. Srinivas, J. Sasi Kumar. Comparative Study on Efficacy of Dutasteride and Tamsulosin Combination vs. Trans Urethral Resection of Prostate (TURP) in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) Patients. IAIM, 2020; 7(7): 7-17.
  10. Shravani Myadam, Sri Balram A, Dileep Kumar Reddy, Nagaraj, P. Rahul Tej, N. Rama Murthy. Role of Computed Tomography in Blunt Abdominal Trauma Evaluation at a Tertiary Care Centre in Rural Setup. IAIM, 2020; 7(7): 18-24.
  11. J. Sasi kumar, Dr. N Rama murthy, Role of Mini Pcnl In The Treatment Of Renal And Upper Ureteric Calculus. 2019, Jemds/2019/37.
  12. J. Sasi kumar, Dr. N Rama murthy. Management of lower ureteral stones using Tamsulosin- A prospective study. 2019. IAIM 2019,6(1): 96-102
  13. J. Sasi Kumar, P. Rahul Tej, A. Sri Balram, B. Srinivas, Y. Anil Reddy, B. Swapnil, N. Rama Murthy. Fractured retained Double-J stents presenting as urethral foreign body. IAIM, 2018; 5(12): 140-145.

  1. Jagadeesh Babu K, Golla Ramakrishna, V.V. Satyanarayana Murthy, Strategies for the Prevention and Management of Complications in Spinal Surgery: An Institutional Perspective. Research Journal of Medical Sciences.2024;18(3):34-38.
  2. Jagadeesh Babu K, Golla Ramakrishna, V.V. Satyanarayana Murthy, A Comprehensive Analysis of Etiology and Surgical Results in Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage Cases. Research Journal of Medical Sciences.2024;18(3):39-43.
  3. Golla Ramakrishna, K.JagadeeshBabu, K.V.V.Satyanarayana Murthy. Strategies for thePrevention and Management ofComplications in Spinal Surgery: An Institutional Perspective. Research Journal of medical sciences . December 2023; 18(3): 34-38.
  4. Golla Ramakrishna, K.JagadeeshBabu, K.V.V.Satyanarayana Murthy.A Comprehensive Analysis of Etiology and Surgical Results in Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage Cases Research Journal of medical sciences . December 2023; 18(3): 39-43.
  5. Vimala A, Jagadeesh Babu K, nikhilesh Y, Ramakrishna reddy G. An Analysis of Endoscopic Destandau Method versus Standard Open Discectomies for Lumbar Disc Herniations in a Semi-Urban area: A Prospective Study. Journal of cardiovascular disease research. August 2023; 14(8): 257-270.
  6. Vimala A, Jagadeesh Babu K, nikhilesh Y, Ramakrishna reddy G. Exploring the origins & surgical outcomes for spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage.Journal of cardiovascular disease research. JULY 2023; 14(7): 1182-1197.
  7. Tanmay Bhavthankar, Manbachan Singh Bedi, Vimala A, K Jagadeesh Babu, G Malleswar Rao. Studying the clinical profile of the patients with head injury,factors affecting its prognosis along with role of Glasgow Coma Scale (G.C.S.) in its outcome. Journal of cardiovascular disease research. October 2023; 14(10): 291-298.
  8. Tanmay Bhavthankar, Manbachan Singh Bedi, Vimala A, K Jagadeesh Babu, G Malleswar Rao. Clinical Experience in Surgical Modalities of Spontaneous Intracerebral HemorrhageStudying. Research Journal of medical sciences .October 2023; 18(1): 42-47.
  9. Jagadeesh Babu K, Ramakrishna G. Surgical outcome of Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: A Prospective study. International Journal of Neurology and Neurosurgery. December 2020; 12(4):163-169.
  10. Jagadeesh Babu K, Vimala A, Rohit R A. Levetiracetam versus Phenytoin for seizure prophylaxis in severe traumatic brain injury. International Journal of Applied Research. April 2020: 10(4); 1-2.
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  1. Harsha Teja Perla, Samuel G Hansdak. Demographic and laboratory characteristics variations among snake envenomation patients – An institutional study. International Journal of Cardiology Research. March 2021;10;3(1):01-08.
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  3. Harsha Teja Perla, Navya Sri Lalitha. Evaluation of cardiac, hepatic enzyme levels and hematological profiles in chikungunya patients. International journal of Cardiology Sciences. 27 Dec 2020; 2(1):19-22.

  1. Mahesh Vinukonda, Kanthala Santhosh Kumar, Kiran Kumar Suggala. Comparative randomized study of usg guided transversus abdominis plane block versus usg guided caudal block for post-operative analgesia in paediatric unilateral open inguinal hernia repair. European journal of molecular & clinicalmedicine. September 2022;9(4):3909-3918.