Overview of Department:
Comprehensive diagnostic studies with upto date latest techniques and advanced technology under supervision of experienced and dedicated faculty with deep knowledge. This Department gives 24X7 services and caters all clinical departments of our Institute.
The advanced Imaging moralities include latest MRI, Multislice CT, recently purchased Image Intensifier and colour Doppler Machines, routine X-ray and Special Investigations, exclusive Mammography and Sono-Mammography for detection of Brest cancers and transrectal probe to detect prostatic benign and malignant diseases etc…
Educational activity everyday to educate PG’s and other clinical Department faculty members and PG students of these department.
The education to PG students is well governed by PG teachers and other faculty members of Department. An exclusive advantage is very good number of in and outdoor patients who are been diagnosed accurately this helps clinicians to treat them in time with proper health care.
Departmental Faculty:
S. No. | Name | Designation |
1. | Dr. Mohan Kumar | Professor & HOD |
2. | Dr. Toutireddy Narasinga Reddy | Professor |
3. | Dr. Ramesh Chandra Adurti | Professor |
4. | Dr. Elaprolu Praveen | Associate Professor |
5. | Dr. Bathineni Haritha | Assistant Professor |
6. | Dr. Ailuru Vijaya Lakshmi | Assistant Professor |
7. | Dr. Dwara Manojna Devi | Assistant Professor |
8. | Dr. Sanju Sherji | Assistant Professor |
9. | Dr. Srujana Chava | Assistant Professor |
10. | Dr. Samineni Prshanth | Assistant Professor |
11 | Dr. Kesidi Sravani | Assistant Professor |
12. | Dr. Bodapati Sai ram | Senior Resident |
13. | Dr. Kompelli Sai Prasanna Reddy | Senior Resident |
14. | Dr. Gurrala Abilash | Senior Resident |
15. | Dr. Bukya Srihari | Senior Resident |
16. | Dr. Puttagunta Sahithi | Senior Resident |
3 | Computed Radiography-FUJI | 2 |
4 | Ultrasound | 3 |
5 | 2D COLOUR DOPPLER- Sonoscape-50 (IP) 4D (30.10.2019) Sonoscape-12 (IP) – (30.10.2019) | 2 |
6 | Mammography-Allengers | 1 |
7 | 500mA-OP | 1 |
8 | 300mA with Dark room Flouroscopy-IP | 1 |
9 | 100mA | 1 |
10 | 60mA MOBILE | 8 |
11 | 800mA X-RAY Machine with IITV-IP | 1 |
12 | 300mA X-RAY Machine-OP | 1 |
13 | 800mA X-RAY Machine with IITV-Allengers(01.08.2019 | 1 |
We are having separate setup OPD for convenience of patients and early reports for clinicians and our residents and technicians are oppointed there.
ACADEMICS: Daily: 5 days Seminar,1 day Case presentation in morning Film reading session and journal reading in afternoon Montly: Written test and viva exam Thesis and research work of students is being evaluated every month.
Dr. LAXMIKANTH and his teammates (final years of Radio-Diagnosis) achieved Ist prize in spotters(QUIZ)contest conducted by I.R.I.A A.P Chapter, in Ashram Medical College on 24.11.2019 in which participants from more than 13 Medical Colleges participated. We had got Ist Prize in all the participated colleges which is glorious achievement of Mamata Medical College.
- Vijaya Lakshmi Ailuru, Bathineni Haritha, Dwara Manojna Devi, Vamsedhar Reddy Chapparapu, Role of MRI in Evaluating Gynecological Pathology, MAK HILL Research Journal of Medical Sciences. 2024;18(11):375-380.
- T Narasinga Reddy. Assessing ability of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE–MRI), and Diffusion-weighted image (DWI) to describe uncertain ovarian masses, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2023;10(04):925-930.
- T. Narasinga Reddy. An observational study to predict neonatal respiratory distress by evaluating the colour doppler of the foetal pulmonary artery, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2023;10(04):931-936.
- T. Narasinga Reddy. An analytical comparative evaluation of ultrashort TE lung MRI and HRCT lungs for detection of pulmonary nodules in oncology patients, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2023;10(03):1589-1594.
- T. Narasinga Reddy. A study to determine how accurately various measures of the PA, as viewed on HRCT, predict right heart catheterisation (RHC)-confirmed pulmonary hypertension, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2023;10(03):1595-1601.
- Dwara Manojana Devi, Rapelli Ramakrishna. A prospective study on role of magnetic resonance imaging in management of acute spinal trauma and assessing the extent of neurological deficit International, Journal of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging, 2021;4(3):17-28: 2664-4436.
- S.Althaf Ali, Dwara Manojna Devi. Plain. X-ray and mri evaluation of painful hip joint Asian, Journal of Medical Radiological Research. July-December 2020;8(2):2347-3371.
- A Study on Role of MRI in Internal Derangement of Knee Joint, Dr.V.Pavani,MD ,Guide: Dr.V.Suresh,MD
- Mri Evaluation Of Seizures, Dr.V.Kranthi Kiran,MD, Guide:Chandra Shekhar Gattani,MD,DMRD.
- Colour Doppler Evaluation Of Lower Extemity Deep Vein Thrombosis, Dr.S.Rohan Kumar,MD,Guide: Dr .Manjari Joshi,MD
- Ultrasound And Computed Tomographic Evaluation Of Pancreatitis And Its Complications, Dr.A.SnehaM,MD, Guide:Chandra Shekhar Gattani,MD,DMRD.
- 5Computed Tomographic Evaluation Of Diseases Of Paranasal Sinuses, . Dr.E.Vishalini,MD,Guide: Dr.V.Suresh,MD
- 6Role Of Mri In Evaluation Of Intra Axial Brain Tumors In Correlation With Mr Spectroscopy, .Dr.G.Reshma,MD,Guide:ChandraShekhar Gattani,MD,DMRD.
- 7. Evaluation Of Breast Masses By Sonography, Mammography And Its Correlation With Fnac, Dr.N.Sumapriya,MD,Guide: Dr .Manjari Joshi,MD
- A Study On Role Of Ultrasound Imaging In Non Traumatic Acute Abdomen, Dr.Samudrala Ganesh, MD, Guide:Dr.Suresh,,MD
- A Utility of Ultrasonography and Computed Tomography in the Evaluation of Blunt Abdominal Trauma, Dr.k.Sravani,MD, guide:Dr.manjirijoshi,MD
- A study of Role of High Resolution Tomography in Diffuse Lung Diseases
- Dr.samala snigdha,MD Guide: Dr.chandra shekhar gattani,MD,DMRD
- Spiral ct Evaluation of Pulmonary Mass Lesions, Dr.Ankadi Shywini Kumari,MD,Guide: Dr. Chandra Shekhar Gattani,MD,DMRD.
- Role of usg in Evaluation of Abdomen and Pelvic Masses in Adults, Dr. Bandari Balakrishna,MD,Guide: Dr.Manjiri Joshi,MD.